What is Tamodo?Where you build your online business empire ... with a capital of $0

By batungnguyen01 | batungmarketer | 1 May 2020

In 2020, when projects making free money online became difficult, a project like Tamodo was worth paying attention to. This article will guide you to make money with Tamodo free without capital.

What is Tamodo?

Tamodo was built to become a leading affiliate marketing network in the world. Tamodo is the channel to promote the best products and services for reputable and quality suppliers. With Affiliate, Tamodo is built with a very simple system, enabling anyone to work and earn money with Tamodo. In addition, the referral bonus policy up to 7 levels helps affiliates can create a large and stable income.

What is tamodo network?

For advertisers, Tamodo is an extremely effective customer growth platform, allowing you to reach millions of customers in just a few simple steps.

For manufacturers, Tamodo is a system that helps you get a stable, best source of income for your access sources. In addition, if you do not know anything about online marketing, no web … you can still earn income from Tamodo with extremely simple jobs like: like and share articles, introduce new publishers for Tamodo…


Link sign up Tamodo to receive 0.25$: Sign up Tamodo

Advantages of Tamodo

Tamodo’s difference with today’s affiliate marketing platforms is the extremely high payout program with a commission that links up to 90% of the product price:

  • Affiliate Commission up to 90% (This means that there are some products worth $ 1000 when people buy through your link, you will receive immediately and immediately $ 900)
  • Cookie length of up to 360 days (great, right, memes because when someone clicks on the link to introduce your campaigns, they will be saved but they don’t care and ignore but after a while) less than 360 days if this person comes back to buy you still get affiliate marketing money)
  • Referral bonus up to 7 Floors (we’ll find out below).

For those who do not know what affiliate marketing is?

Affiliate is a form of online business similar to the model of collaborators. In other words, it is a collaborator model, but it is “optimized” & “technologized”. With this form, you can find product distributors with Affiliate programs, register and promote their products, you will get a commission.

When customers buy through your Link (called Affiliate Link), you will get a commission.

Depending on the campaign, there will be different levels of commission and the commission can be up to 90% of the value of the order, such as tamodo is very attractive, right?

Advantages when making Affiliate money

The first and most important benefit is that Affiliate makes it possible for you to make money without having to put effort into creating products or without having available services.

There are many Affiliate Network partners with thousands of brands, you just sign up for an account & select the campaign you think you can promote it well.

The next benefit is that the ability to make money with Affiliate is extremely high.

Many people have an affiliate income of over 50k USD per month. But not everyone is suitable to be an affiliate despite knowing it lays a lot of money.

You need to work hard to join affiliate networks to earn commissions such as Tamodo, it will be very simple for both of you who do not know anything about Affiliate can still make easy money.

How to make money with Tamodo?

Firstly, Tamodo currently has a referral program and for every Ref registered under the mem, the mem will receive $ 0.25, and min withdrawals are $10.

Link sign up Tamodo to receive 0.25$: Sign up Tamodo

Like all e-commerce sites, Tamodo has an “affiliate marketing campaign” and is not only the few and unique categories like Amazon or Alibaba but is extremely diverse, to say All For One because you can find almost all products at Tamodo from goods, education, travel, credit loans, … .. extremely much.


The picture above is Tamodo’s campaigns that are very clear and detailed about the Affiliate money that you will be divided and as I mentioned, All For One, to say is extremely much, you can freely choose.

We can see some typical names like Aeonshop or AliExpress, BeautyBox, …so many, so much.

What’s special about Tamodo Affiliate commission?

Normally, other e-commerce sites will have very few Ref Affiliate programs like Tamodo, when you introduce and sell a product, you will only receive affiliate marketing money but for Tamodo, all those If you introduce Tamodo to market and sell a product, you will still receive money.

With Tamodo you will receive a 5% bonus on the income of the person you refer to Tamodo and up to 7 floors.


See why your online business is an empire?

Example: You introduce A and A’s income is 100 $, you will be rewarded with 5 $

A introduces B and B’s income is $ 100, you will still receive a commission of $ 5 and so on until 7 Floors (A — B — C — D -E — F — G) until the end when F As an acquaintance who introduced G to Tamodo, when G had income you still received 5% of that income even though you didn’t know who they were.

This is what I want to mention, you will not find a place like Tamodo.

And this will happen when you sign up and send your referral link to as many people as possible.

I give a basic statistic, you sign up and give your Referral Link for 5 people and these 5 people register and give Referral Link to others and so on if you work hard for your empire then according to I statistics, you will have about 97,655 people working under you if you have 7 floors and this is entirely possible because the people you recommend will recommend it to others if it is more beneficial, not a introduce yourself to over 90,000 people.

But it doesn’t need to say anything super high as long as you reach the 4th floor, your income/month is already $ 312 and that’s quite a number and it’s completely free.

But what if you reach Level 7? If each person has only $10 income, a modest figure, the mem will have an income of $ 48,827 just by registering and sending the registration link for others and it’s free.


Imagine, if your link is  registered by a Master Affiliate Marketing, you will receive 5% of their income commission (This is possible because the information about Tamodo has not been completely announced to the market).

And as the above part I have shared, just 1 Ref will get you $ 0.25 and as the above statistic shows, we will receive 5% of the income of the downlines applied to 7 Floors —It doesn't matter if your downlines sell or not

Where does Tamodo get money to pay you?

Tamodo is in the community development phase, Beta phase. Payments to marketers are taken from the company’s marketing fund.

They build the community through affiliate marketing campaigns. Reward members when referring others to register as members.

With a 7-storey commission reward model, 0.25 USD / person, and a target number of 500,000 members. The total budget to develop this community is less than 800 thousands USD, they have enough money to spend on marketing.

After the Beta period, once the community is available, the money paid to marketers will be deducted% from the introduction of products & services of businesses cooperating with Tamodo.

Why did you choose Tamodo?

  • Getting started is easy: It only takes a few minutes for an email to finish signing up.
  • Make money easily with everyone: Just a single phone and Gmail account to register. Share quickly via Facebook.
  • The cookie term for your introduction is recorded by the system in 360 days.
  • Global system development: All members worldwide are welcome to participate.

Why join Tamodo now?

  • The program is limited to the number of members is 500,000 (500,000 people).
  • It only lasts for 6 months, starting from 14.1.2020 to 14.7.2020.
  • With the FREE referral model & 7-level commission, I am sure the number of members will quickly reach 500K.
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Registration instructions for Tamodo

First, go to Tamodo via the referral link below to receive $ 0.25, then look to the bottom of the “Register” buttonClick on it and fill out personal information as below.

Link sign up Tamodo to receive 0.25$: Sign up Tamodo


Click “Register” to continue. Then you check the email from Tamodo, which will have a link to set a password.

When your registration is done, go to sign in to log in. Below is the Tamodo interface.


Tamodo scam users?

When participating in making money online, many people are worried that they have been scammed into their efforts without getting anything back. Many cases of losing investment money and losing the ones you are introduced.

So is tamodo a scam? Please continue below:

Proof of income

Many newcomers to the Tamodo project feared the Scam project. If you think about this, ask yourself: Do you have to spend any money? The answer is absolutely not. You just need to spend time and effort.

Proof of withdrawal

Currently, Tamodo supports people to withdraw money immediately and immediately through payment gateways: Bitcoin and USDT. The minimum withdrawal limit is also extremely delicious, just enough $ 10 that you can withdraw money already.


Recruitment Guide Ref Tamodo

First of all to share any project, you must have the right mindset that sharing is easy and sharing is helping others make money. At that time, you can get rid of all the hurdles and refusal to share. There are 2 sharing ways to share the Tamodo project easily.

Link sign up Tamodo to receive 0.25$: Sign up Tamodo

Free Ways:

  1. Share to relatives, friends, colleagues,
  2. Share on personal Facebook and Facebook groups.
  3. Make video sharing on Youtube & TikTok
  4. Free review articles on personal blogs

Payment method:

  1. Advertise on Google & Youtube ads,
  2. Advertise on Facebook ads
  3. Advertise on Tiktok ads


Born later, Tamodo will surely be a fast-growing project in 2020 because of this extremely attractive compensation mechanism. Tamodo will solve marketing problems for manufacturers and create more jobs for those who are passionate about online work.

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