My old kitty Bauer on her 16th birthday!

Trying a cloud mining site for the first time.

Hi guys, its Cole again!

    I recently turned 35 and used half of my $100 birthday check from my brother to invest into a cloud-based mining service called that I had looked into 13 days ago.

    I had been trying out the free 1Th/s  30-day free trial, and had been activating the free 1 hour renewable 2Th/s plan as often as this old egg can remember. I kind of left it alone for a few days, but after checking my balance on there, I decided to go ahead and put in the $50.00 for a 3 month plan. The return should be about $148.00 in 3 months! Almost too good to be true, but they have a stellar record of 4.4 stars with over 3,600 reviews and counting.

    If this is true, I will be doubling up my plans every other month, and taking food and bill money out of the other month. There is a steep fee of around $25 to withdraw if I remember right, but as long as you only withdraw a few times a year it shouldn't matter.

    The other neat thing that they offer is that you can lend out your crypto for either 2, 8, or 40 hours, and get either a 0.15% return, a 1% return, or, in the case of the 40 hour plan, a whopping 8 percent increase! I plan on doing the 2 hour plan as soon as I have the 0.001 BTC minimum. There is of course a pretty low maximum for putting BTC in there so as to not be able to get big 'ol profit gains in short time frames, but still. If you are like me and struggling to put food on the table, pets fed, lights on, etcetera. try making a $50.00 investment when you can afford it.

    I really, really hope that this works. I am absolutely tapped out financially, so this would be an absolute gift, and frankly, a life-changer since I am still fighting for my disability for my schizophrenia, still, for over the past 9 years...

    If I am able to turn a profit, I will report back on this site for sure! I would love to see everyone make money off of the current crypto market, especially when there is such an increase in prices in the past 12 months. I would sure like to thank everyone for reading this, and I hope that you all have a wonderful rest of your day! 

    Here is my referral info, in case you would be kind enough to click on it if you are planning on getting into an actually lucrative process that takes a very small investment: I get a bonus 10% off of when people buy plans, so it would help a lot. Good to be well enough to be writing again. Warmest wishes to all of you!

Thank you!!!

  Your friend in the magical crypto-market,

    Cole A. Matuschka

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35 year old disabled male, currently unemployed and looking for cryptocurrency deals to help with finances.

Basic info on recent cryptocurrency developments
Basic info on recent cryptocurrency developments

I am going to try to make my first blog, and to center it on recent developments in the cryptocurrency world. I hope that I can help some people who are new to the cryptocurrency game, and to have a chance to aid them in making good investments for the future.

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