Party Invitation for YOU! BANANO Ban-Jam 2.0 Party (July 17) - Free Crypto, Music Trivia, Games, Quizzes & more!

By banano | Banano | 16 Jul 2019

The mission of BANANO is to make getting started with crypto easy and fun. Let's have a party and do exactly this!

Over 100,000 BANANO in Prizes to be Won! Join our community member SoggyApplePie and friends in a night of Music Trivia, Jamming, and Games!


You're invited!


When? Tomorrow, Wednesday, July 17, @ 6 pm EDT

Where? The BANANO Discord Server.
No worries, it's easy to join it, get step-by-step help here.
After joining, just ask for directions in the channel #the-jungle

On the Menu:

  • MONKEY TRUTH OR MONKEY LIE? Three statements per round - 2 Truths, 1 Lie
  • GUESS THE BANNECTION Guess the connection between 3 songs
  • THE BIG 5 5 categories provided by me, 5 things provided by you
  • BANJAM Perform for Banano! Artists contributing in the BANJam will split Banano Prize (DM SoggyApplePie at Discord to join the Queue)
  • 50/50 DRAW 50% of the pot goes to one of you, 50% goes to the rest of you!
  • NITRO GIVEAWAY One lucky monkey will win a 1 month subscription to Discord Nitro!

Join the Party - You won't regret it! We promise you'll find new friends and a big bag of BANANO!


What the Fork is BANANO?

For those of you who don’t know BANANO yet: BANANO is a cryptocurrency (forked from NANO in April 2018) powered by DAG technology — here to distrupt the meme economy. Yes, BANANO has memes! And also feeless and near-instant transactions, a highly active community, and active technical development! The BANANO community doesn’t take themselves too seriously, but we’re here for the long run and we enjoy what we do.

See current BANANO price and market data at Coingecko. All current trading pairs and exchanges here.

On top of this, BANANO is super easy to use and puts an emphasis on free and fair distribution and crypto education. Just try our slick mobile wallet called Kalium and get your first free $BANANO from one of our faucets within minutes!


Kalium — BANANO’s mobile wallet (download)

Join the Banano Republic!

$BANANO is a fee-less, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy.

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BANANO is a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology to disrupt the meme economy.

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