Official BananoJob #10: BANANO Airdrop to all Uptrennd users (200k BAN)!

By banano | Banano | 22 Aug 2020

BananoJobs is THE place where everyone can create or complete bounties or microtasks: Earn BANANO for completing small tasks (called BananoJobs), or
Pay BANANO to others to get things done. Everyone can use BananoJobs to complete or create bounties. This is now an ‘official BananoJob’ where we airdrop BANANO to all Uptrennd users!

BANANO news & updates are coming out on a regular base in all our social media channels with Publish0x as BANANO’s main blog. While Publish0x is a crypto agnostic blogging platforms giving free coins to both writers and readers, Uptrennd is a popular crypto-related social media platform rewarding their user’s for content with free 1UP tokens.

After announcing recent (and still ongoing!) airdrops at LBRY, Twitter and Publish0x we’re now also airdropping BANANO to all Uptrennd users! It’s super easy, everyone can claim in minutes! Read more below!


Official BananoJob #10: BANANO Airdrop at Uptrennd

Uptrennd is a popular social media platform rewarding its users with free cryptocurrency. The BANANO community at Uptrennd has grown exponentially in the last few months, now with over 5500 members! We have done previous airdrops at Uptrennd before and always received very positive feedback from the Uptrennd community. That’s why BANANO is now doing another airdrop to all Uptrennd users! We’re airdropping a total of 200,000 BANANO to all Uptrennd users who simply comment on a post. Ends on September 12th, 2020.


Here’s how you claim your Airdrop:

New to BananoJobs ? — Read this first and subscribe for updates!


Want to Earn even more BANANO?

On top of our other faucets, we still have some other airdrops and giveaways going just now:

Official BananoJob #9: BANANO Airdrop to all Publish0x users
Official BananoJob #8: BANANO Airdrop at Twitter
Official BananoJob #7: BANANO Airdrop to all LBRY users

Payment of previous airdrops is summarized here:
BananoJobs Update and Airdrop Report #1

BANANO Reddit Ecosystem Links

BananoJobs | BananoJobs at Twitter
BananoJobs Announcement at Publish0x
r/banano main subreddit


Any mention of a third party platform, product, service or website in this article does not imply any endorsement by the BANANO team. All information is provided to the author’s best knowledge at the time of writing, will likely not be updated and thus might be outdated when this article is read in the future. This article was written by bantano.

What the Fork is BANANO?

For those of you who don’t know BANANO yet, it’s obviously perfect to just read our animated, meme-rich and interactive Yellowpaper! BANANO is a cryptocurrency (forked from NANO in April 2018) powered by DAG technology — here to distrupt the meme economy. Yes, BANANO has memes! And also feeless and near-instant transactions, a highly active community, and active technical development! The BANANO community doesn’t take themselves too seriously, but we’re here for the long run and we enjoy what we do. On top of this, BANANO is super easy to use and puts an emphasis on free and fair distribution, gamification and crypto education.

See current BANANO price and market data at Coingecko or Coinmarketcap. All current trading pairs and exchanges here.


Join the Banano Republic!

BANANO ($BAN) is a fee-less, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy.

Official Website:
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BANANO is a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology to disrupt the meme economy.

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