Happy Birthday, Banano! Join the Party!

By banano | Banano | 21 Feb 2019

The BANANO Discord Server, the heart of the project, was created exactly one year ago, on February 21st, 2018. This was the historic day this great cryptocurrency experiment began. Find some more updates below, and join the party!


BANANO was never owned by by the developers or the core team. It’s basically owned by everyone, and BANANO is merely what its community makes out of it. At this occasion we’d like to thank our great community from all over the planet who has shaped BANANO to something we now all like a lot with so much engagement and creativity! Thanks for an exciting and lovely year! You are all awesome, keep it up! ❤

The BANANO Meme Faucet is back!

To properly celebrate BANANO’s first birthday, join our Discord Server and other social channels for rains, tips, giveaways and another round of our popular Meme Faucet that is now running already in its ninth sucessful round! You can earn 20 BANANO per image description!

Direct link to the faucet: https://memefaucet.banano.cc/
How-to-Play: http://memefaucet.banano.how

The BANANO Telegram Tipbot is back!


The first BANANO tipbot had unfortunately some issues and had to be taken down after a few hours already. Shortly after, our programming god bbedward stepped up and created a new BANANO Telegram Tipbot(@BANANOTipBot) that‘s not only beautiful but also works flawless. Find more information here and make sure to join our Telegram Channels and Groups for BANANO tips and lots of fun:

Tipbot How-To and all group links here: http://telegram.banano.how

Official News Channel (english)

Official Group (english)

Official Groups (local)
Spanish Portugues Vietnamese Indonesian Russian 
Italian French | German Polish | Japanese | Chinese | Korean

Other groups
Banano Exchange (Spanish group helping people to trade BANANO)

Happy Birthday, bbedward!

It’s not only BANANO’s birthday today, but also the bday of our programming god bbedward. All the best man, keep up the great work, you did so much for BANANO, just mentioning our Discord Tipbots for NANO and BANANO, Kalium, and NatriumHere’s the link to his twitter profile in case you want to wish him a happy Birthday as well! ❤


Join the Banano republic!

$BANANO is a fee-less, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy.

Official Website: banano.cc 
Help getting started: banano.how

Join our social channels for updates & giveaways:
Discord | Reddit 
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BANANO is a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology to disrupt the meme economy.

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