You might know that our current Telegram Tipbot wasw made by bbedward quite recently. Since then it has helped so much to introduce BANANO to lots of people, and all our Telegram groups have grown significantly! Now, we have a new BANANO TipBot replacing the old one, and it also works on Twitter! Learn more below!
A new BANANO Tipbot for both Telegram and Twitter
The original Telegram BANANO Tipbot created by bbedward, @BANANOTipBot, will now retire and let his master focus on other projects. The creator of the NANO Tipbot, @mitche50, has now kindly created a new BANANO Tipbot for both Telegram and Twitter, which can be directly found at Telegram as @BananoTipperBot and at Twitter as @BANANOTipBot.
BANANO TipBot Website:
Important for current users at Telegram: The original @BANANOTipBot will be still available for withdrawals for some time, but it will now be removed from our groups and replaced by @BANANOTipperBot. Current balances already have been transferred automatically from @BANANOTipBot to @BANANOTipperBot. Please register with the new bot to access you funds.
Help getting started and an overview about all BANANO groups using the TipBot at Telegram:
Make sure to join relevant groups, we’re tipping active people in our groups all the time ;)
Using the BANANO Twitter TipBot
To get started with the Twitter TipBot, simply send a direct message to @BananoTipBot containing the command !register
Get help and more information with the command !help
Then, to tip anyone you need to use the following format:
@bananotipbot !tip amount @username
Link to Twitter TipBot:
More help getting started at Twitter:
Related Links & More Information
- BANANO Tipbot Website | Twitter | Telegram
- BANANO Telegram Groups Overview & TipBot How-To
- Recent BANANO Tips
- Top BANANO Tippers
- Andrew Mitchell on Twitter
- BANANO Telegram News Channel (English)
BANANO Telegram Groups & Twitter Handles
Make sure to join all relevant BANANO channels and groups at Telegram, rumor is tips to new members are happening all the time:
Telegram News Channel (English)
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And of course, make sure to follow our official and community-made Twitter handles to not miss announcements, giveaways, contests and more:
Official handles: @bananocoin @banano_memes
Team members: @ceefc @ngyekta @therealbbedward @bantano19
Community-made handles: @BananoHow @BananoBet @BananoTurkiye @BananoESP @howtobanano @BananoJungle
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$BANANO is a fee-less, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy.
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