Banano is Turning 6! Join the Birthday Party on April 1st!

By banano | Banano | 28 Mar 2024

Time flies, and it feels crazy that it's already 6 years since Banano launched in 2018 and started its entirely free crypto distribution efforts. Banano is turning 6 on April 1st, 2024 — and you should come and celebrate with one of the most wholesome communities in the whole cryptoverse — at Discord and Reddit! Details below!

BANANO — Don’t Let Your Memes Be Dreams!

This cryptocurrency experiment started on April 1st, 2018 with the launch of the Banano main-net. It all began on the Banano Discord server. Now, 6 years later, everything has grown and evolved a lot and Banano has developed into one of the most wholesome and fun places in the whole cryptoverse.

There's lots of low-effort meme-tokens popping up everywhere all the time, but Banano is a true meme-coin with its own mainnet and traditions, and the community always stayed true to their values.

It's crazy how much has happened over the years! Meanwhile, Banano is held by almost 207k wallet addresses, and Banano has been transacted about 29 Million times on our mainnet (that's over 13k txs per day in average!). Check out the almost complete Banano history with more than 1199 documented airdrops, community events, faucet game runs, dev announcements, and lots of other news here. It's lots of fun to go through everything that has happened during those years.

New to Banano? Curious to learn more? To get an impression what Banano is about, our Yellowpaper is also a fun and informative read! Here's some more help getting started.

Join the Banano Bday Party at Discord and Reddit!

As every year, the main party will happen at the BANANO Discord server. We traditionally don’t announce what exactly will happen during BANANO Birthday parties, but if you look back at the last parties you’ll know that those parties can have YUGE Banano rains, NFT airdrops, coin burns, and lots of other fun events and activities! And it’s clear, you shouldn’t miss that one!

Where? Banano Discord server

When? April 1st, 2024

We’ll have announcements and events dropping over the whole day, so make sure to check in whenever you can and stay tuned for further announcements there ❤. If you're not a citizen yet, you better get started just now. Learn here how that works. You can also speak up anytime and ask your questions in the discord channel #the-jungle.

Ah, and yes, join our subreddit r/banano and follow our other socials as well, we’ll have a party everywhere (discord being the main place to be, though)!

Tip: Check the pinned post at reddit to get some free Banano right away!

See you at the party! And bring your friends!

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What the Fork is Banano?

Banano is a cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy. Banano has feeless and near-instant transactions, free & fair distribution, a highly active community, and active technical development!

Learn more at Find help getting started at Current current BANANO price and market data at Coingecko or Coinmarketcap. All current trading pairs and exchanges here.

Join the Banano Republic!

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All the ripest $BANANO news & updates. Don't let your memes be dreams!


BANANO is a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology to disrupt the meme economy.

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