BANANO is now on Cheddur! Let's celebrate with a 10,000 BANANO giveaway!

By banano | Banano | 4 Mar 2019

BANANO is now on Cheddur, a cryptocurrency social media platform giving live updates on your favorite coins and apps, plus you can read and write reviews, accept payments in crypto. To celebrate this, we're doing a 10,000 BANANO giveaway! Read how to participate below:


Make sure to follow us on Cheddur and leave a review about BANANO!

You can even leave your BANANO address on Cheddur (they have a field for that on their site) and get bonus prizes! That's your chance to tell us what you think!

Update: Cheddur also has added Kalium in their "Apps" section! Make sure to follow and leave a review about it as well! 19 hours left to participate!

Here are all the Links:

Banano on Cheddur:

Kalium on Cheddur:

Make sure you follow both BANANO and Kalium and leave a review! Then, head over here to win your share of 10,000 BANANO, it's easy to participate: Enter Giveaway

Update: You want to earn more BANANO?

BANANO Meme Faucet Round 10 has started!
Earn 15 BANANO per image, details here:

Several other options to get your share of BANANO through it's ongoing free and fair distribution program can be found here:

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$BANANO is a fee-less, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy.

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BANANO is a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology to disrupt the meme economy.

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