'Banano Bites' Episode 4: Banano Miner - Support Cancer Research, Earn BANANO!

By banano | Banano | 7 Nov 2019

You might have already heard that we’re now feeding our official BANANO Youtube Channel more regularly! We’ve teamed up with CryptoJitsu aka Todd Vance, and here’s already the fourth episode of this new series!


This time, it’s all about the ‘BananoMiner’ Faucet. With BANANO Miner, instead of wasting power to “mine” a cryptocurrency, you help scientists doing medical research around the world to fight diseases. And you earn BANANO by doing so! Learn more in the new episode of ‘Banano Bites’:

Banano Bites — Episode 4: BANANO Miner

BananoMiner — some more details

Instead of running arbitrary calculations to “mine” a cryptocurrency, your computer runs protein fold simulations through Folding@Home, which helps researchers fight Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Cancer, Alzheimer’s and many more genetic diseases, and infectious diseases. Then, we send you BANANO depending on the size of your computational contribution.

It’s super easy to get started. Just head over to bananominer.com, fill in your BANANO address and make sure your username and team name are set correctly. You’re all set! Make sure to watch the video for more details. Even more details here.

Also: In case you missed it, and especially if you don’t know BANANO yet, here are the previous ‘BANANO Bites’ Episodes:

Related links

BANANO Official Youtube Channel
CryptoJitsu at Twitter | Youtube

Previous non-official BANANO Youtube Videos by CryptoJitsu:
BANANO and NANO | BANANO Mining |BANANO Yellowpaper

What the Fork is BANANO?

For those of you who don’t know BANANO yet, it’s obviously perfect to just read our brand-new animated, meme-rich and interactive Yellowpaper!

BANANO is a cryptocurrency (forked from NANO in April 2018) powered by DAG technology — here to distrupt the meme economy. Yes, BANANO has memes! And also feeless and near-instant transactions, a highly active community, and active technical development! The BANANO community doesn’t take themselves too seriously, but we’re here for the long run and we enjoy what we do. A concise explanation can also be found here at Bitcointalk, or on our official website, and you’ll find help getting started at banano.how.

See current BANANO price and market data at Coingecko. All current trading pairs and exchanges here.

On top of this, BANANO is super easy to use and puts an emphasis on free and fair distribution and crypto education. Just try our slick mobile wallet called Kalium and get your first free $BANANO from one of our faucets within minutes!

1*8heWPuYVVkifwGg2kvRuVA.pngKalium — BANANO’s mobile wallet (download)

Join the Banano Republic!

BANANO ($BAN) is a fee-less, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy.

Official Website: banano.cc
Yellowpaper: https://banano.cc/yellowpaper/
Help getting started: banano.how

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BANANO is a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology to disrupt the meme economy.

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