Make products a smart product with the help of AI

By Bala | Bala | 20 Aug 2024

What makes a product smart is based on what it does. Earlier we used to have Televisions called Smart TV. Today's actual meaning of Smart products is different from what it used to be. Today IoT devices are not just smart devices. On top of that products should have AI and ML capabilities to make them a real smart product. That has been the case these days and we might get even a better thing in the future after a decade or so and that new technology would make devices smarter than just having AI and ML. That's what the world is expecting.

In this article, I'm going to be talking about how a normal product can become a smart product and what the expectation is.

AI in automobiles

The automobile industry is one such industry that is seeing a lot of improvements in integrating technology. 10 years back the cards did not have any digital or electronic fancy components but today we have chips inside the automobiles which pretty much takes care of the basic things. There are also AI elements in automobiles that can be a use case where AI can track the driving style of the driver and based on that data it can give suggestions to the driver. People who are driving the car can adjust their driving style to get maximum efficiency out of the vehicle.


AI in refrigerators

Power consumption is one of the biggest things in home appliances. If we have AI in refrigerators, it can do several things including monitoring the power consumption and at the same time it can also adjust the temperature based on the items kept inside. When it comes to AI, data plays a very important role. The data collection can also help the manufacturers build better products.

AI in automatic vacuum cleaner

An automatic vacuum cleaner is something that is gaining popularity. These smart devices can clean the floor based on the settings. They take care of automatic cleaning of the house and store data based on their work. There is an advantage with this data where they can act smart by deciding which days will need heaving cleaning and which days can be soft cleaning days. The movement of the vacuum cleaner is also determined by the AI and they draw a diagram and keep to manage their cleaning pattern.

AI in security cameras

Security cameras will have to be smart because they have to detect human movements and switch on and off. This will save the power consumption of these devices. There has to be some AI elements to make sure the capturing is not happening for dust or leaf particles moving around the camera or to deduct a cat or dog movements. Based on the images that the camera is capturing regularly, it can be smart enough.


AI in Laptops

In laptops, AI can play a major role in performance optimization and battery management. AI algorithms can be implemented to optimize battery based on the usage pattern. This will not only add more life to the laptop batteries but it will also reduce the overall temperature of the laptops making them not very hot to handle. Not only at the hardware level but also at the software level there can be several AI-enabled software that can be of great aid in laptops.

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