Today we were having some good discussions in the office with a colleague. It all started when a newly joined colleague asked about testing and wanted to know how testing jobs could be a good stepping stone to becoming a developer. I thought that some testers start their initial career as a tester and gradually become good developers.
In order to become a good developer, there are some skills that are required. Some of the skills have to be unique and some skills have to come through experience. The skills someone acquires from testing are very important and that definitely helps to become a developer. It is a general belief that testers are always tough people who expect more perfection in everything. Usually, it is understood that way but it is not the case. They are the people who follow the protocol and reach the result.
Good developers are always good testers
In order to be a good developer, it is also important that they have to be good testers too. People have to learn more about testing and the application they develop should also be developed with many client test cases in mind. The developers who test their own code multiple times usually become very good developers. While doing multiple rounds of testing, the end product becomes high quality and with significantly fewer bugs.
When a developer understands the importance of quality, they tend to deliver a good and valuable product. They are able to get used to the quality and they try to maintain the same quality. One thing that testers usually lack is the idea to fix issues. They are usually good at finding defects but they don't care how the issue is fixed. But developers who have experience with their new learning can also make some good suggestions as to how the issue can be fixed.
Testing from a client perspective
Testers usually have a great understanding of the system. Whenever a tester is onboarded to a product, the first thing they have to do is understand the product. Only then they will be able to validate the product and raise defects if it is not up to the mark. Testers who are developers usually get an additional perspective where they are able to think from the client's perspective and they are able to come up with solutions that are client-friendly.
Testers usually know the expectations of the clients and from their experience, they are able to understand what can be made better. This is what happens if they are given the opportunity to think from the client's perspective. When this happens the outcome of the testing becomes very good.
Reduces the burden on a testing team
I can even say that if a tester becomes a developer, they give tough times to the testing team. Usually, the testing team, might run with targets on how many test cases were executed and how many defects were identified. If a tester is going to be a developer, the product may not have any major issues when it comes to the testing phase and it might reduce the burden on the testing team thus making it hard for them to raise defects.
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