Finding out the right passive income for us

By Bala | Bala | 14 Aug 2024

There are several materials online that are directing people towards passive income. Today earning passive income has become the trending keyword and many people are towards that, especially after COVID-19, many people think that having a secondary income or a passive income is important because we cannot trust our full-time jobs. That's where this keyword has become very popular and people keep looking for ways to earn some additional income.

Even though we see many advertisements on the passive income streams available for us, we have to pick the one that works well for us. We cannot say that all the streams would work well for us. It may not be the case.


Having the right skillset

We have to keep upskilling ourselves and pick a passive income that comes in line with our skill set. If we pick another stream where there is a huge learning curve or if we have to get started from scratch, it may not be good for us, and after a point we might either lose interest or do it with no interest and we might not earn as good as we would have done it with our skill set.

Passive income is something that should keep generating money for us without our involvement in it. But that's not 100% true. Even if it is a passive income thing, we have to make sure that we keep monitoring it and we keep making changes to the way we generate income. Otherwise, the income stream might stop. If we choose one with the right skill set it will be easier for us to monitor and improve it.

There is no free money without any effort

Nothing in this world would give us free money. We have to be very clear on this. Some advertisements and YouTube videos guide people saying that they can earn a lot of money with many shortcuts. If people explore such things, they might ultimately end up putting in their time and effort and earn passive income or any income from that. Maybe the good thing is that it comes as a learning and at least they don't have to deposit any of their hard-earned money to generate passive income. But usually, as nothing comes without any effort, nothing comes without any money being involved too.


Staying away from scams

There are some scams in telegrams and WhatsApp where we are given some jobs and they say that we can generate a lot of money with that. To get us involved they even make us earn money in the first few jobs. Then later they ask us to invest a huge amount of money to win big. This is where they easily scam people. Some people don't understand that this is a scam and they end up losing their money in this. It is important to understand if something is legitimate or not and spend our money on that. The best way to earn something is to spend our time alone initially until we learn everything and then if we are confident, we can maybe spend our money but I recommend not spending any money on anything and finding ways to get some passive income.

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