COVID vaccines are not 100% effective but definitely works

By Bala | Bala | 24 Jun 2021

Yes, indeed it is not 100% effective. But it definitely works. I'm going to discuss that in this article sharing my personal experiences and things that I have seen. I have not taken my shot yet due to other health issues I'm having right now but I have all my family members taken the shot already. Before I start with the article, there are still a group of people who don't even think COVID exists and I'm going to leave them aside and a request to such people, please don't read this article further as it will not be useful for you guys.

Coming back to the topic, I heard some misconceptions about COVID vaccines and I thought I should share my personal experiences based on events that happened inside my family and relatives.

Yes, it is indeed true that COVID vaccines will not protect an individual 100%. There are lots of cases reported where people get COVID even after vaccination. It is definitely true and it happened in my relative's family as well. But here is the point. I would say that we still have to go for the vaccines. The main reason is that people who got their vaccine shots were given a big layer of protection when COVID hit them.



The other family members were not vaccinated yet had a severe hit but elders and people with previous chronic conditions did not have a serious problem and their oxygen saturation levels were also very stable. This is what I noticed personally.

In another relative family, there was also a case where the person who got himself vaccinated did not get COVID when others in the family were all affected. So I would like to say in short that COVID vaccines may not be 100% effective but when people get COVID post-vaccination, the intensity is not that severe.

There are also arguments saying that vaccination is just a political drive to make lots of vaccine sales and make some profit out of it. Here for us, the vaccine shots are all done for free as a government initiative so I will not buy that theory. The government and other medical bodies promote vaccination to a greater extent and they say it is completely safe but I won't go with all those things but I personally witnessed it work on individuals by giving them a big layer of protection over the virus.



This is what made me write this article and share this piece of information with everyone. Maybe things can vary from vaccine to vaccine and from place to place but for us here in India, the vaccination drive is looking positive and it is indeed helping. There is now a huge demand after they started vaccinating people over 18 years of age. Otherwise, things are going smooth and mostly it is COVISHIELD that is being used here.

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