What to write when you are blank about what to write.

What to write when you are blank about what to write.

Did it happen to you that you decided to start writing and could not decide what to write? It is not like there is a dearth of topics about which you can write instead your mind is hopping on so many topics and unable to decide to pick up a topic. Finally, you decided on a topic but the moment you start writing about it you find yourself in a state where you are not able to write the first line. At this moment you decide to write on another topic but you are unable to write on it also and cycle repeats for successive topics. Sometimes you even start toggling between topics and keep selecting and rejecting them. This thought process goes on and not a single line is written.


Here issue is not that a person lacks ideas but is overwhelmed with ideas. It always looks like that so much is going in the mind that we cannot decide and focus.


Whenever I find myself in such kind of position, I like to take a break, either I watch some chess games or play Splinterlands. If I play splinterlands, I guess I get focused on writing something on Splinterlands and I instantly get my topic to write on and really calm my mind diverting it to totally opposite area. Same effect I get by seeing the Chess grandmasters game that remove all the clutter in my mind.

I feel writing the first sentence, first paragraph or first 100 words is the most difficult part of the writing and once you are done with it you get the rhythm and the flow so it is very important to be calm when you start and it depends how you got calm and focus yourself in a single direction or topic.

There is a lot of help suggested on it, like reading more, and trying different prompts available online to get out of the writer's block but I think for me calming my mind and getting my first 100 words works.

Sometimes I go back to read my previous written content to see what I have written earlier and check if I can write again on it? These contain the documentation of my past actions and I can verify on the present if it is still relevant and can be enhanced or inspiration can be drawn from it to lay the base of today's article.

I feel the best way is to calm your mind ,pick the easiest topic for you (depending upon your expertise), and start writing, once you have a couple of hundred words then you can arrange and rearrange your thoughts and paragraphs and go ahead to add another couple of hundred words. After adding a couple of hundred words to your already written couple of hundred words, I guess you have already overcome your writer's block and after giving some finishing touches, you have saved your day.

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