What I Do in Hive.

What I Do in Hive.

Today looks like a very boring day to me, I do not have any plans for this weekend, and top of it, last night while traveling, I got a little strain in my back, though it is not hurting as such and is manageable but I decided to have rest and excuse my self from all the market chores. I went through my feed quickly and checked my voting power. In one go I have taken care of both. Checked the price of Hive in both Peakd and Coingecko and it look like Hive is going on a downward trend.


I already put a buy order of Hive in the internal market and thought it would be filled soon. In the meantime I checked my Hivestats and it looked ok to me, as I see I am getting at least 15+ Hive in Hive Power and HBD together for today so I am satisfied with my stats. Afterwards, I moved toward my game of Splinterlands and played battles. Since it is the weekend, so I would like to reduce my "Energy bar" in the game as low as possible so that I do not have to take any stress of playing on weekdays. Also, I checked on my battles and selected a few battles that look good to me, so that I can feature them for my entry for "Social Media Challenge" if applicable on the coming challenge.

Interestingly, the Price of Hive in the internal market is more than price of Hive in coingecko, so I re-adjusted my buying price of Hive in the internal market. In the meantime, I went to Publish0x to check my stats there and started thinking that what topic should I write today.

I have a habit of creating my topic list in which I keep the link to post of other authors of Hive and other news that I like to explore at a later stage.
I again checked the market, readjusted my buy price of Hive in internal market read some old posts in Hive especially the "What witness do" by themarkymark along with all the commentaries on it. I checked some more random profiles that commented on that post.

In between, I had my breakfast, and lunch and did some little chores at home, did some cleaning in the home and also sorted the clothes for laundry, etc.
I also spent spent some time in YouTube listening some music etc and again checked on internal market if my Hive purchased order is fulfilled.

To my surprise, it was not filled and it left me clueless that how Hive internal market works because it did not filled even after I almost reached to the end of the post.


The price of Hive in the Coingecko is now dropped to $.426 and I have placed order for $.455 in Hive internal market when the market price id $.435, it confuses me why Hive internal market is so off from the regular market?

Anyway price of Hive is still dropping and I hope it will fill soon, otherwise you know what I will do after publishing this post? Just keep checking the price of Hive until it gets filled.

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Rajat G
Rajat G

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