My learning from workplace : What should not be done.

My learning from workplace : What should not be done.

As an employee, we spend significant amount of our time in the workplace and we should be fully aware of our behavior and conduct in the workplace. If we are working offline then we have little interaction in the team meeting and meeting etiquettes should be maintained. Though every individual behave professionally but sometime we can be doing some mistakes unknowingly without even realizing them and these mistakes can be easily avoided if we get little cautious and able to set our priorities correctly and communicate things professionally.


With all of my observation, I believe that these below point should be taken care of in workplace for a healthy and productive environment.

1. Highlighting inefficiencies.

Honesty may be the best policy but highlighting the "negatives" or using the "negative" sentence should be big no. Actually if you have to communicate a bad news or "issues" then first thing should be done to access the issue and its overall impact. Based on impact, you can understand that how quickly it need to be fix and how it need to be prioritized. Fix or keep track of the issue in background and avoid unnecessary updates on it until asked. When asked for updates , you need to be positive. Glass is Half empty or Glass is half full represent the same factual information but one is in positive note and other is perceived negative. So instead of updating what is still pending , Communicate what has been acheived/fixed till now and what we are going to acheive in next couple of days/hours.

2. Over Commitment.

Need to be realistic and do not overcommit in name of pleasing others. In the end you are responsible for your mental and physical health and have responsibilities towards your family. Slogging for over commitment deteriorates your work life balance and benefits no one. Always remember you are easily replaceable in work but non replaceable in the "family". If life permits you can go on extra mile but not by burning the "family" time and your "health".

3. Not Showcasing Achievements .

You need to be self promoter of your achievements and do highlight them. This not only increase your rapport but it also increase your brand value. Do not overshadow them thinking that they were "part of your job". If you done it well then speak and highlight it.

4. Informal Communication.

Personally, informal and verbal communication is the recipe of great disaster. What work need to be done, should be accepted and communicated in written so everyone is well aware of the "scope" and "deadline" . Also be courteous in addressing other and use polished language. Do not treat your colleagues and client in the same way as you treat your friends. Do proper salutation while addressing and do no not use any kind of cuss words while talking.

5. Resistance to learn.

Always be prepared to learn new things to broaden your scope and enlighten yourself. Skill development and enhancement are necessary parts and do take pain for them. I guess not learning new things is going to harm us only in the long run.

I feel it is just our conduct. mindset and way of communication change the whole outcome of the process even we have put the same efforts for it. We refer to idiom "Right place, Right time" but I guess what we do not understand that we need to "Talk right at right time" to grab the opportunity ,showcasing our utility while keeping ourselves productive and negating all unwanted attentions.

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