🚨 The Dark Side of Solana: Transactions Designed To Fail 🚨

By Scott Cunningham | Tech And Things | 21 Jan 2025

Think Solana is the future of crypto? Think again! While it’s buzzing in the top 5 blockchains, there’s a hidden truth most won’t tell you. With 88% of regular non-vote user transactions failing and governance transactions taking priority, Solana’s blockchain might leave you stranded when it matters most. From inefficiency to scalability nightmares, this video dives into why Solana is high-risk for investors 🛑.

💡 Don’t get burned chasing meme coins or flashy hype! Discover the dark side of Solana and protect your investments. If you’re trading on-chain, the odds are against you, and the risks are HUGE.

🔥 Watch now to understand why Solana could be a disaster waiting to happen!

📢 Share this PSA with your friends and save them from costly mistakes.

You can view all the analytics I covered in the video here: https://dune.com/21co/solana-key-metrics 👈


Let me know what you think about this in the comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe! - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDBycVghUbnimnzqirsU1Jg?sub_confirmation=1 👈

Connect with me on other platforms! - http://www.scottcbusiness.com 👈

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Scott Cunningham
Scott Cunningham

Host of Crypto & Things. Sharing my vision of the emerging #Web3 landscape & how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation with #AI & #blockchain. Links: http://www.scottcbusiness.com/

Tech And Things
Tech And Things

I am the host of Tech & Things and a social media blockchain enthusiast using what I believe to be the next level of social communication. Join me as I share my vision of the emerging Web 3.0 landscape and how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation of AI & blockchain technologies. Links: http://www.scottcbusiness.com/

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