Smoke Hive-Engine Market / Kief Rewards / on IG

By d00k13 | @d00k13 | 12 Jul 2020

SMOKE Market

Not going to pretend to be a genius or even know how to play the market. My intentions are to support and stack some SMOKE while I am at it. I started off with setting a few small trades, now I have closed the spread between the window a bit. Basically I am sustaining this market with what little I have to play with for now in hopes that I can spur some interest in what we are doing. Much more buying power then selling currently which is good though it may mostly be mine LOL

I said to @Startail on that I would support the project and seeing as he has handed it off and we see it come to life I will keep that promise to @Daking. I do hope that we can encourage daking to go for a full listing on Hive-Engine giving the feeling of legitimacy.

Buy & Sell SMOKE on Hive-Engine


Kief Rewards


While starting to write this post I decided to dedicate this segment of the #HappyHempDay show to @RelayLogix by naming the comment rewards "Kief Rewards" after his tool used to select them Kief Tools. You will see comments go out on @OneLoveSmoke with a screen shot of the results such as above along with the following votes, Kief Rewards! I am not going to worry about writing up the results each week as those who win will know and I believe the screenshots are pretty self explanatory for anyone wondering! Now if I could get @Relaylogix to make this entire process - select / comment on comment / vote - one feature of the Tool we will really be talking but for now this works quite well.

Rewarded Post Found Here on Instagram


Nothing to special so far but I am trying to start off right from the beginning. Thinking about it as in steps from the very start and building the content as a guide almost. All I really know is that with IG & FB being linked it is pretty simple to cover both if I am putting any effort into just the one. Going to try feature as much of the user created promotional content as I can such as above with @chipanda's signup graphic with a little added Canva flair. My thing has always been graphics and video and that will largely be what you see there ... its IG right? Nobody reads posts there anyways but a video might hold their attention long enough to wonder "WTF is" I was excited to see @canna-curate roll in with a follow only moments after the account was created. I plan to build slowly, I don't need a million spammy engagements asking where to or if I wanna buy weed. I would much rather something along the lines of someone reaching out trying to find a platform to be heard... this is a call we can answer!

If you are on Instagram I would appreciate a follow on


Till Next Time Stoners'

That's it , @D00k13 Out!!!

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#kiefrewards #smokenetwork #hive-engine

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As a knower on the path of knowing to discover the known! Vlogger & Blogger / #OneLoveDTube Founder / Witness / A Creative Mind


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