By The Buy - Jamaican Coffee “Nautical Language”

By d00k13 | @d00k13 | 2 Dec 2019

By The Buy 🤔

Sitting here just smoking my joint thinking.... wish this was a bag of weed candies.... starting to think about this mornings #freewrite prompt I kept thinking of my hard core buddy Newfy.... one of those dudes that has no limits..... introduced me to toking oil off a cigarette and how to do it easily using a glass bottle without taking in the cigarette smoke...


The #FreeWrite

I didn’t know for the longest time what in the hell that term meant... it’s not really well known... kind of a east coast nautical language 😅

I first heard it from my buddy Ryan Newfy Newfield ... seriously his real name and we all just called him Newf ... he was a real drinker and when intoxicated all these weird home land sayings would spill out such as “By The Buy” .... we thought it was gibberish but it seems he was speaking sense after all...

I was recently talking with a coworker whom used the term referring to making a good sale... I happened to talk with her later and she was born on the east coast also and learned the term from her father a fisherman...

Crazy thing is in three words they have come up with a way of expressing “take the deal, this is a mutually beneficial transaction”.... who knows how many other meanings this term has 🤔 so ....

”By The Buy” next “Thyme The Time”


In case Your Curious

In what I have been up to lately with ongoing projects and daily activities.

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As a knower on the path of knowing to discover the known! Vlogger & Blogger / #OneLoveDTube Founder / Witness / A Creative Mind


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