June 30 Neptune Stations Retrograde

Crypto Market Forecast:June 30 Neptune Stations Retrograde

By iCryptobeing | Astro Crypto | 30 Jun 2023

Jun 30

12:05am est Moon in Scorpio 23° Square Mars – excited, argumentative, money loss, waste of emotions.

02:23am est Mercury Cancer 7 trine Saturn Pisces 7

7°= Gemini (Curious, communication, social media)

7° Pisces= passive,  gentle, providing for others

7° Cancer = Self-lenient and weak-willed, Secret relationships

Serious conversations and information causing market conflict, possible Government Crypto Regulations being Reintroduced?

06:57am est Moon in Scorpio 27° Trine Neptune – empathetic, listen to your intuition

10:20am est Scorpio 29° Sextile Pluto – Extreme actions

5:07pm est Neptune Stations Retrograde Pisces 27

27°= Gemini (Curious, communication, social media)

27° Pisces= Careful, courageous, and resilient character. One can achieve success /all precautions must be taken in order to face them,

The retrograde cycle lasts until December 6th this year, it is casting a veil over our practical thoughts, causing confusion, feeling in limbo, indecisiveness.

“There is an internalizing influence with Neptune Retrograde that brings up fears and anxieties. This retrograde is stripping away the illusions, and false realities that have clouded our vision, this applies to the crypto market and personally. Causing shock in the Market prices.

Summary June 30

Pluto Retrograde = Ruthless Dissolving Manipulative Power and Authority Structures

Saturn Retrograde = Judgment of past actions, Reviewing self discipline, belief systems, boundaries

Neptune Retrograde = Removing Illusions, revealing the truth, that may be harsh at times.

I feel these 3 Retrogrades will reveal to us, how strong we truly are, as individuals and collectively.  This is a trans formative time changing people and society to the core. Producing lifetime impacts. This is a true test of time. I will write up another article detailing this further.

These 3 Retrograde planets are transforming/evolving the Crypto/ Financial Markets, and will continue to transform them even after these planets move direct.

Fears and anxieties could be heightened today, feelings of confusion with people, trading and market prices. A shock in our realities will cause a shock to Market prices, this Shock may not happen today, but it is something to be aware of.  Today the Crypto market is in FEAR, ending the month with downwards movement.


I feel it is important to end this report with this:

Take a few min(5 min or less, a few deep breaths)today and thru out this month to check in with yourself,  quiet your mind, and ground your energy.  It is always important to take care of yourself, but more so during these large deeply trans formative  transits.

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Astro Crypto
Astro Crypto

Discussing how Astrology affects the Crypto Market. I have studied Astrology for over 10 years, and continue to learn everyday. I am sharing my own thoughts and opinions, I am not a financial advisor or giving ANY FINANCIAL ADVICE. DYOR!!!!!!

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