July 4th Crypto market forecast

Crypto Market Astrology July 4: Happy 4th of July

By iCryptobeing | Astro Crypto | 4 Jul 2023

JULY 4 2023


03:52a Lilith Leo 19° trine Chiron Aries 19°

19° represents Libra energy
Aries 19°:Cautious, intelligent, and adventurous
Leo 19°:Intuitive, imaginative, and observant

-Lilith-fierce, independence, courageous
-Chiron in Aries -Healing a wound, finding courage, Discovery, assertiveness,

Courageous, Encouraging, Uplifting. " Cheering for your Team mates.
Healing the Markets Movement from the full moon and Venus square Uranus. Today is USA Independence Day, i feel this will expand the Uplifting feeling thru out the Market.

Emotional Sentiment = GREED

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Astro Crypto
Astro Crypto

Discussing how Astrology affects the Crypto Market. I have studied Astrology for over 10 years, and continue to learn everyday. I am sharing my own thoughts and opinions, I am not a financial advisor or giving ANY FINANCIAL ADVICE. DYOR!!!!!!

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