Crypto Market Astrocast March 7 2023

By iCryptobeing | Astro Crypto | 7 Mar 2023



With Saturn moving into Pisces ♓ tomorrow 3/7/23, I thought this message was so ironic!! Saturn is about putting in the work, working hard, judgments on behaviors and actions. But, perhaps this is a message of letting go of beliefs of LACK, glass half empty mentality, negative  judgments of things.  Leading up to this transit, I've been doing a lot of reflection about myself and life in general. We  are always  shifting, changing and evolving. The Saturn transit, I feel, will be felt and experienced in a deeper way. A more noticeable shift at a point in time, that people experience together, yet individually.  Surrendering, is not giving up. Adapting to change is what is  important, 
<span;> to keep in mind, now, especially thru out this month, 3/23/23 Pluto moving into Aquarius ♒ ....

<span;>NOTE to Self:  Come back and RE-READ,  later this month, to remind yourself of changing, adapting ect...<span;>🙃

>I created a March Crypto MARKET Astrology Report..the link is here, it is free thru Patreon.

<span;>There is a lot of information on there...especially pertaining to tomorrow's Full Moon and Saturn.

Here is an excerpt from my March report for March 6/7 2023

March 6 -7 2023
Crypto Market Astrocast
Full moon ♍ Virgo 7:40am est
Saturn enters ♓ Pisces 8:35am est
-curious to see this unfold-'

March 6-

Sun(15’ Pisces) Sextile Uranus (15’ Taurus) 9:41am – Electrifying energy… invigorating

Moon(6’ Virgo) Opposes Mercury(6* Pisces) 11:32 am- Volitle, organized, FUD influencing Crypto market, too many details analytical,

‘Mercury(6’ Pisces) sextile North Node(6’ Taurus)  3:26pm- Intellectual, new Ideas/ Information, promoting new Ideas and information reflecting in positive movement in market

March 7

Moon in Virgo

Moon Trine Uranus – 15’ - 5:50am sudden opportunities, well connected, filling orders(buy/sell), optimistic, electric market

Full Moon 16’ Virgo 7:40am – 16 = Cancer, which represents home, protecting home.

Saturn enters Pisces 8:35am – confidence and emotional shock

 Square Mars(Gemini) 21’ (6:06pm)argument, impulsive, fire/ quick, freedom. markets bleeding??

 opposite Neptune(Pisces) 24’ (11:38pm)- Grand illusions/ addictive

Saturn changing signs into Pisces.

-Full moon is at 16’ = Cancer

- Moon is the Ruler of Cancer.

This is a powerful day! Crypto Market USUALLY follows the Moons Cycle. New Moon = Price Increase / Full Moon =Price Decrease.

I feel that Crypto Market will trend downwards.

Early in the morning, before the Full Moon, Crypto movement could have a nice pump.

The full moon and Saturn changing signs happen approx 1hr 5 min from each other. This is close.

I feel this is going to bring sharp detailed movement. Contracted, Detailed Movement.

The Moon is moody, critical, argumentative, arrogant

Mercury is at 8 degrees Pisces, 8 Degree = Scorpio. Could there be illusions uncovered?

March 1 – 7 2023

This week is a new beginning following a Large Ending. The Full Moon and Saturn leaving Aquarius marks the end of a cycle. Saturn moving into Pisces Is the beginning of a New Cycle. The conversations with Saturn will change abruptly. Be on the look out for a major shift, in the Market and in life.
CLICK link to download entire March 2023 Crypto Market Astrology Report..
It is free, I originally was changing 5$, but this info, I feel is very important, and should be available to all..I hope you enjoy,

March 2023 Full Report




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Astro Crypto
Astro Crypto

Discussing how Astrology affects the Crypto Market. I have studied Astrology for over 10 years, and continue to learn everyday. I am sharing my own thoughts and opinions, I am not a financial advisor or giving ANY FINANCIAL ADVICE. DYOR!!!!!!

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