The difference between Brave browser and all the rest.



The beauty of Brave and browsing experience is highlighted in this image. It's all the stuff it does in the background the things it blocks and stops that you never knew were watching you.

While most people will focus on the fact that you can earn BAT and that is amazing, but what it does to protect your privacy is all under the hood. This truly is an overlooked benefit of its browsing experience.

Every day you don't use Brave you are giving away your personal data and you are not earning BAT tokens… The solution is simple switch. - 

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I'm Chuck a.k.a. AskACapper a.k.a. quadriplegic gamer a.k.a. the can't standup comic a.k.a. hue manatee a.k.a. the real fat shady a.k.a. Skynet HR and protector of the realm!

AskACapper thoughts on shiatsu!
AskACapper thoughts on shiatsu!

Quadriplegic gamer [using my face] standup comedian [okay can't stand up comedian] and writer of words and such! If I sent once I've said it 1000 times there's too much gay porn and so little time.

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