We need more power !!

By JesusGuy | Artificial Money | 25 Jun 2023

Remember the planetarium or the good old science center.  The place of wonder and Awe and science   A true nerds paradise nerds or all makes and sizes.   The Stationary Bike Generater.      You know. 
now if the sun says peace out I’m the sun I’m leaving.  Or some emp nightmare of sorts. How do you spend information with no energy? How do you make this information? How awful to be the richest man alive but screwed because there’s no power !!!!!!!!    Wtf !!!     I guess that’s a whole different blog I gather.   And I truly hope that is not a case in any issue. May peace be with us all    Remember kindness is contagious.   And please don’t forget to tip your waitress.  Must have more power !!!!  Can we use the sun to generate perhaps?  Solarfarms? I’m not sure. Battery storage.  And perpetual gizmo. 
how can you continually contain something as such as that ? 

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Malice’s Born again catholic

Artificial Money
Artificial Money

After all is said and done what is to become of money. How do you spend an currency of information and energy if there is no energy?

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