Top crypto projects in 2024 - things to keep in mind when investing

By MV04 | APR Hunter | 16 Mar 2024

So you can probably find thousands of these kinds of lists on the internet - best presale, huge gains, best product, fast money - all the usual, obnoxious shilling for projects that, more often than not, the writers have absolutely no idea if they're viable or not. They just search upcoming projects, look for sexy names and fantastic promises and on the list you go. I don't do that, and neither should you, unless of course you're already a whale and have a shit ton of money to throw at anything.

I'll be excluding meme coins as well, since although these can and have pumped for enormous amounts, it's the thousands of other failed memes that you just never hear about because they were doa and / or scams to begin with. We're here for real projects. If you can't bother reading all my excellent info, you can skip right to the end where I'll drop the first of many excellent projects to come.

Speaking of scams, the very first thing you should do when thinking about investing in a project is check it's credentials. I don't mind if the owners are doxxed or anons, the contracts are what matters. And if you're no dev and in any case don't have access to the meat of the project, that's a problem, but one that has solutions. The number of things you should check the first thing you do are the following:

1. Has the project been audited? If so, by whom? Are there critical issues in the audit? Are the answers for problems found convincing? Remember, a projects audit could have a large number of things that Could be red flags, but depending on the issue, aren't. You need to familiarise yourself with basic red flag-issues and consider if the Devs responses are adequate. Often projects have goals or attributes that could raise a flag, but have actual reasoning behind them. If the project has no auditing at all or owners keep postponing them, skip.

2. Does the project have actual mid/long term value? Often projects lock rewards on start, or have long staking times for the best APRs. This is no problem and is often a good solution, with the assumption that the coins value is not zero at the end of the year. Lock times can protect against volatility and sudden crashes, and as such incentivizing staking can protect the project value.

2.5 Speaking of long term value, considering project value is often no easy task. Technical and complicated products can be hard to grasp, and require deeper diving into the subject to gain confidence in them. Trusted experts of various fields of crypto can help in understanding value. When AI generated images became a thing, we were swamped with AI meme generator projects and the like. These crashed and burned pretty significantly and people lost their money. That's not to say these can't work, but for me they'll be a skip.

3. Social media / support presence. Project creators can and should be bombarded even with difficult questions. That doesn't mean acting like a jackass, but quality support from the team can be a significant indicator of project seriousness. Many projects dump huge capital on marketing  (like all the twitter ad scam coins) and offer little to no support or answers, trusting on marketing alone. This could be a damning factor.

4. Consider your objectives. Short, mid or long-term investing could look very different. Patience, or lack of it, is key here, as is your personal attributes. Not everyone can be glued to their desktops every second of every day. Also knowing when to cut your losses. I think it obvious by now, but don't put all your eggs in the same basket no matter how good the gains look.

If you came here for tips, we'll you're shit out of luck. :) Those will be posted in the coming days, so stay tuned and follow me here and on socials...

Alright, I'll give one tip. Vine Money @ Https://

This project passed all points above and as such I can recommend it. Launched just a week ago on Oasis Sapphire chain, which has seen some impressing projects launched this year. They aim to provide the first privacy-focused stablecoin vUSD, and have a traditional token $VINE. At the time of writing there's some juicy APRs ranging from 400 % to 2000 %. These will drop with time when more folks jump on board, but for now there's money to be made. Always DYOR ofc. And no, I am not directly involved, nor do I presume to advise you on finances. Just giving tips to people lost in darkness like me.


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