Most promising pools and staking opportunities in March 2024

By MV04 | APR Hunter | 14 Mar 2024

We all want those huge APRs. Me, the APR Hunter, most of all.

Farms and staked LP:s provide the stable but significant income people from yesteryear and normies can only dream of. It makes me smile when I see banks advertising their "BIG" saving accounts - 2,8 %? Really? I would have to be a multimillionaire to get anything at all out of them. Of course, banks tend to be more safe and stable on average (when they are) than the run-of-the mill crypto project. Still, no risk, no reward. And by choosing the right projects, returns can be enormous with relatively little risk. So for today, I've compiled some of the more promising projects out there: and ones with good auditing records and responsive admins. Some projects have been going on for a while, some have just started. Most offer good returns. I'll be dropping new pools and players every few days, so stay tuned!


Profitability: medium-high.

Stability & Liquidity: Consistent, medium

Powered by Oasis Sapphire, pools and farms offer volatile and stablecoin pairs, with ranges of about 100-500 %. In the early days four-digit numbers where not uncommon. Large selection of pairs, native coin Rose. Growth has been steady. Rewards are claimable any time, and are in native $IX. That's fine by me, since its price is not that volatile and hangs around 1 dollar mark at the time of writing. Offers other interesting pools as well.

Vine Money

Profitability: Very High

Stability & Liquidity: Still fixing some kinks, Low

Growing fast. My favourite player in town, launched just a few days ago. Insane six digit APRs in the first days. Now has more calmer 3000 %+ APRs. If you can call those calm. I'm kinda hoping the APRs stay high, and it looks that way, from the way protocol revenue is generated. Admins are responsive and helpful. This is also a Oasis Network player, which is kinda why I'm bullish on Rose. They seem to get a lot of good projects lately.


More to a day or two. Stay tuned for those APRs!

Follow me on Twitter: @Metal4444152629

Telegram: @Metal4444


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APR Hunter
APR Hunter

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