
Petroleum is not slowing down


Oil grows stronger in any form. Many analysts wonder what is causing this. The same bank analysts already have many explanations. I would like to remind you that the same analysts at the end of the previous year and at the beginning of this year spoke about the price of oil as a speculative bubble. some topic read ... šŸ˜‰

Personally, I will not say anything specific because the oil surprised me. Yesterday I switched my thinking towards further increases, and such an idea came to me. Since there is no correction on the horizon that could be a downward impulse, maybe the initial assumptions were wrong? What if we treated the September and October correction as a flag? Then the price range automatically increases. In addition, the trend line is slightly different than before. My thinking is shown in the pictures.



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Trader, cryptocurrency and forex market analyst. Editor of investor magazines: EN: http://biznes-broker.com/ PL: http://pvq.pl/ By giving me a tip you donate it to charity. All collected funds will help children and animals in need.

Analysis of the financial markets
Analysis of the financial markets

Subjective view of the financial market. Mainly Forex, Indexes and Commodities. Analyzes based on technical analyzes. All analyzes are my view of the market. It is not recommended to make trading decisions based on the information provided. You can check my work here: EN: http://biznes-broker.com/ PL: http://pvq.pl/

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