EURUSD With support, will there be a continuation of the rebound?


We are currently close to the place I indicated in the last analysis of this currency pair. There is still a small gap to the decisive support, so today the situation on the chart should resolve to further direction. Additionally, the macroeconomic data for the US are not optimistic enough for the dollar to strengthen only on this basis. After a rebound, crossing the resistance created during local consolidation will give us an open path to break the trendline and continue to grow. Unfortunately, in the case of breaking the marked place with a cross, I switch to further price drops.


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Analysis of the financial markets
Analysis of the financial markets

Subjective view of the financial market. Mainly Forex, Indexes and Commodities. Analyzes based on technical analyzes. All analyzes are my view of the market. It is not recommended to make trading decisions based on the information provided. You can check my work here: EN: PL:

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