The Hours NFT Collection Conveys The Meaning of Time With The Help Of BitColors

By Edward Moon | Analysis From Moon | 20 Nov 2021

Innovation is not hard to come by in the world of NFTs. Artists can create a collection drawn from their own inspiration through this technology. The Hours is such a collection, as it combines art, technology, numbers, and the colors from the BitColors NFT collection. 

The Hours Is More Than Just Time

Everyone looks at a watch, mobile device, clock, or other device depicting time several times a day. It is a common human habit, yet we struggle to grasp the whole concept of time and its meaning in the universe. Is the universe sending us a message when we check the time? No one knows for sure, yet there is something intricate and mysterious about the hours and minutes in a day. 

The Hours signifies the mystical nature of time through a collection of 1,440 images. These images represent every hour and minute of the day. Moreover, the NFTs might help people understand what the universe tries to tell them. Additionally, the collection marks the first time-based effort tokenized through NFT technology on the blockchain.

The Hours has viral potential, as everyone is preoccupied with time. Together with a growing community seeking to help people achieve their "higher selves", The Hour puts a very different spin on non-fungible tokens and introduces a layer of personal growth potential. 

Collaboration With BitColors

Another intriguing aspect of The Hours is how the artist has collaborated with BitColors. In doing so, they gain access to hundreds of hand-crafted colors that exist as non-fungible tokens on the blockchain. The colors enhance the NFTs in The Hours collection, as every color transmits a different feeling or value to the beholder. 

Moreover, the artistic nature of these unique colors lends themselves well to NFT collections spanning various topics. It may even lead to establishing a color standard for the metaverse. Through projects like BitColors, artists have numerous new opportunities at their disposal. Additionally, every project drawing inspiration from these colors will bring value to the BitColors NFT venture.

The colors provided by BitColors also make the NFTs in The Hours collection stand out more. They introduce a new expression level and provide meaning to every non-fungible token in the set. 

The NFT industry continues to grow and evolve thanks to creative ideas by the artist. The Hours is not just numbers on a background, but it conveys a deepear meaning NFT holders may identify with. 

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Edward Moon
Edward Moon

Crypto trader and analyst.

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