Why do I use Bitcoin Cash

By Alther | Alther | 30 Jan 2022

This is not an option, if it was a choice I would caption it "Why do I choose Bitcoin Cash"?



Image by chenspec from Pixabay

The first statement at the beginning of the paragraph clarifies the use of sentences for the title and explains the meaning of non-choice. Usage is a word that can clearly be used, as something useful according to the need for something created. If the "use" is replaced by "choice", it will fall on the choice of sentences from several things. What is certain is that it can be a multiple-choice or selection of only one conclusion or will not make a choice on the other.


Use with choice, at first glance the same but different meanings. Using the word trust is not limited to one option among the many choices. While the choice will appear in one option which consists of many options. Choosing can determine, use can bring convenience. Why do I use bitcoin cash? Because it is easy to use, convenient, and many are willing to accept. Why did I choose bitcoin cash? Because I like bitcoin cash compared to others. A few examples of the use of words from usage and choice.

Fanatics or non-fanatics are finally formed about the meaning of a language and third-person views. Meanwhile, if the language is changed with a question with a difference of one thing being chosen or used, such as one thing in fiat.

Why do I use dollars? and on the option Why did I choose dollar? The answer will be distinctly different and definitely not. Because of the habitual tendency to use the word dollar imprinted on the mind. While the problem was replaced in crypto to Bitcoin Cash, it was engraved in the community, fanaticism, and stretchers so that it brought a different meaning from dollars to bitcoin cash. Which at the core and the meaning is the same and clear even though the dollar limit exists and the bitcoin cash limit also exists.

Each has an argument, and also a view of what is used and is a choice. Fanatic or not back to each real self. Which in essence all return to the usability and profit in the end. For me only discuss what is written in the choice of words. I chose the word "use", not a "choice". Though I could have used the word choice. Which in the end does not match what I want to write and convey.

Using there is no longer any doubt about what I use will be. While the choice can still present doubts about what the choice will be. So in essence, not bigotry, but trust to get without a doubt what is used.

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