What we are

By Alther | Alther | 29 Dec 2021

Down to the valley ... ravaged changing dreams, destroying chests, erasing traces of innocent steps.

Nothing and more can't be hope as floating from the ground.

The trail is getting less and less to leave a real trace. Without a veil, without a word, bulldozing all the dreams that had previously been planned. Makes stunned, stunned, unable to say anything.

Like a small child who bowed down languidly without being able to explain the disappearance of the hope that had been hoped for. You can only look down and helpless at all that has happened.

Is there any room for justice to be created? Are there other options available? And is there a glimmer of coolness to lighten the mood?

It feels impossible to feel, it feels impossible to be amazed, it feels impossible to get up to be able to accept.

Was it all in vain? Have you closed the steps? Or just a mere sweet cradle to whet the appetite?

The roar of failure, the roar of the predator, the roar of the ruler's drums. It cannot be extinguished by water alone. Unable to display the story. Unstoppable by the strong roar of the sinful pace of power. Do not want to understand and will not hear what the word suffering is.

Take a moment of freedom just for a moment. And return to shackles to find common ground reap suffering. Arrogance and opium will perish. Inevitably got used to it. Smiling in the eternal sadness of every wall that is described in every word.

Open to close the path of true breadth. Accepting to slowly destroy his existence. Not taste but ends with a million flavors.

The hustle and bustle are now manifesting, hoping, and praying. Of course, the way will always be open. But after all, is revealed later will also blare. Peace will not last forever. Pain will not overwhelm the suffering completely.

When the way is opened, it will rise with drips that are built with pain for sorrow. Without forgetting what had been planned to cause a loud roar that roared. Rejoice in the plant of sorrow.

"In fact, that is who we are."


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