The global economy is at the top of the list for all events that have an impact on world conditions. If the global economic conditions are bad, then the condition of the people in it will be bad, if it is good, then the condition of the people living through it will also be good. Completely without need for from whoever that person is.
It can be said to be comprehensive only because it is taken from a percentage of most conditions, not one hundred percent accurately, you will be able to feel it.
Why is that? Because it is clear from the presence that is clearly visible of the moral decay of humans who play and are responsible for the global economy. Like a tangled thread that is already difficult to fix, even if it can be fixed only by disconnecting and reconnecting it so that it looks neat. Looks don't mean it will be neat as it used to be.
Then is that the same thing that can be interpreted as unable to recover or as good as hope?
The reality is that it happens. In detail, not one or two forms of improvement to create a good economy. However, many attempts have been made to fix it. Broken, or not walking is a frequent thing that happens in the end. The reason is, as long as there are thoughts of people without heart and without knowledge of the economy, global economic conditions will continue to occur like that.
Economic language sentiment permeates every prevailing flow of funds. Regardless of where it comes from, that's how the conditions of the flowing stream apply. Type or form is just an expression or the way how the flow can flow and run. Don't care about the consequences that will cause many people to suffer.
So is it possible that the global economy can improve even if it just looks neat?
It could happen, the only answer to the goal of improvement is the awareness of humans who live through and feel the economic problems themselves, and are willing to accept the existence of the elimination of all kinds of things called usury or interest.
Interest or usury will only destroy the economic condition and make it difficult to improve. Because basically the system of interest or usury only applies to the condition that the rich are getting richer and the poor will become poor, even if they are suffocated by the form of interest or usury they are living. One thing is certain and cannot be denied, usury or interest will only destroy the conditions involved without exception. And that's for sure. Need a proof look at the condition of the world economy so far that happened. Are there languages improving graphically from year to year?
The law of the word truth that should be avoided is actually lived. That is, humans are conscious but not actually unconscious because of the result of impatience and ignorance.