The moon misses in peace

By Alther | Alther | 9 Feb 2022

"Love and desire, together with the darkness of the night in the beauty of the sparkling stars accompanied by the moonlight."

"The cold night was lonely alone. There was a scream from the heart of the cry of longing. The accompaniment of the crickets made it clear how quiet it was tonight."

"Stumble is not helpless. Falling is not hurt. Away from the hustle and bustle for a moment. Dreaming of a determination that always rings true."

"It's not too late at night, actually the situation is intermittent. It's still colored by busyness here and there. But the self that avoids being able to get through the day is longing for love."



Image by John_Nature_Photos from Pixabay

February is the month that is so known for the word love. So known for the existence of Valentine's Day which will be celebrated for those who celebrate it.


Anyone can and can celebrate it, without exception, isn't this just a matter of mere love, especially lovers? It's about the love of every human being, although it shouldn't just happen on that day. But just a reminder of the message of the existence of humans who in fact really need the meaning of love. Togetherness, attention, and all forms that mean the beauty of a feeling.

Love for human existence with others. Love for the existence of humans of the opposite sex. Love for human existence with the need of a heart that wants to be loved.

Valentine's Day is still 5 days away, but the nuances and atmosphere are felt every February. Full of love and full of passion created. Many symbolize the existence of this Valentine's Day in various forms that they like. Chocolate and roses are the 2 things that are most often encountered, of course.

I don't know why these 2 things are often chosen as symbols of affection. Maybe because of the taste, and the shape that deserves to be pinned for the word love.

Discussing the word love is indeed very tempting, reminding many stories that have stopped and passed. Missing, it is undeniable that this beautiful feeling will always be missed every time. Even if it only happened for a moment. I don't know if it will happen or not. As for those who still have and have had a true partner, of course, an achievement of the true word is a gift that should be grateful for every time.

The love that grows in every human story. It's not just about the existence of a life partner. Love for the existence of fellow created creatures. Loving the existence of other living things, preserving nature, and also protecting all extinctions. The progress of the times with the level of destruction has greatly affected the existence of the earth we live in today. A place where all of us humans want to feel what we feel happy about the word love.

Like the stanza of the poem at the beginning of this article, longing to be loved in all nuances which of course corresponds to the existence of the word love. Full of warmth, coolness, beauty, and peace.

What would it be like if love came in a barren and arid time? What does love feel like when the war is raging? How does it feel to have love if all worries are incarnated in every human heart?

Love requires a smile of sincerity. Love needs the word peace. And love will always be present in every human's dream of the existence of love.

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