The high price of chili

By Alther | Alther | 6 Jul 2022

In my country Indonesia, chili is one of the ingredients commonly consumed by the population. It can be said that if there is no chili sauce when eating, the taste is incomplete. And because of the habit of food that has a spicy taste, chili is one of the agricultural products that are very popular in every Indonesian market. No matter the traditional market or the modern market, there will definitely be chili as one of the agricultural products that sell it.


Image by Simon from Pixabay


These few days, it's been 2 days to be exact, there has been a large increase in the price of chili in the market. What is usually per kilo of red chili is priced at Rp. 3.800,00 or $ 0.25 according to the exchange rate of rupiah to dollars when I write this article is now Rp. 107.000,00 or about $ 7.12

However, the increase in chili prices is not the result of inflationary conditions occurring in global conditions, but rather due to climate problems and diseases affecting chili plants. Due to the lack of rainfall, the plants are susceptible to disease. So that makes chili production greatly reduced at this time.



Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay


With the condition of expensive chili prices, of course, some entrepreneurs or food sellers are also affected. Those who are faced with the choice of reducing the image of spicy taste or reducing food ingredients that use rolled or continuing to use them but increasing the price of food beyond the usual price offered. Meanwhile, for lovers of spicy taste or who are used to spicy, it means that you have to reduce it for a while until the price returns to normal or reach into your pocket, even more, to keep feeling the spicy taste itself.

It is very sad in this condition, especially when it comes to the habit of taste. And it's a little strange to eat without spicy or without chili for this type of cuisine for Indonesians. Because the average Indonesian cuisine is very thick with a spicy taste.

Far if you think about it, it turns out that not only economic problems can affect, climatic conditions, and other problems, it turns out that inflation and the impact of a recession are likely to occur. Giving a sign that the conditions this year will indeed be very different from the previous year and need extra tightening also see which interests take precedence over other interests. Hopefully, all this passes quickly and can be better in the future.



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