Semantics BitcoinCash

By Alther | Alther | 6 Mar 2022

Meaning, that a symbol represents a word, speech, equation, language, code, or another type of representation. So it can be concluded that it is learning about meaning. If put together or combined with a variety of words will mean the word that will be juxtaposed with it. And all of them will lead to one source, namely the final destination. In the previous article, I gave a little picture in my imagination about the story of the existence of crypto. At the end of this section, I want to take back my fantasy which is rooted in one particular coin.

Bitcoin Cash has a symbol which means there is a character or avatar formation that represents the word logo. The logo is clarified with colors, strokes, which can represent completeness even though it is only a symbol. What do you want to express, what do you want to achieve, what is represented, what is the goal, and what is it created for.

All back again of course to the basics if discussed thoroughly, but that is impossible because it will take a lot of complicated explanations and of course, it will take a long time if you study carefully. And it seems that there have been many posts that explain all of this down to the roots representing a complete basic explanation of Semantic Bitcoin Cash. So this may only be a clear reference to the basic reference to the ultimate goal of interpreting the meaning contained in Bitcoin Cash and reminding again of what Bitcoin Cash is meant for.

Born and given birth, does not mean the female gender. It's just that the one who gave birth is a woman and is called a mother, so the appropriate word is mother. So Bitcoin is dubbed as the mother of crypto.

To shorten the story, because of differences in views on developments in the crypto community that is devoted to Bitcoin, there is the presence of Bitcoin Cash in the crypto world. This means that at first, it originated in the same community unit, now it is divided into two communities in terms of development and views.


Semantic Bitcoin Cash, which gives meaning to speed, convenience, reliability, low cost, and security. As the best choice of trusted electronic peer-to-peer money without anyone's control. Provide freedom and flexibility in the systematic use of one's personal finances. And support the preservation of the earth's environment to be more concerned in its development.

In addition, many have been offered with the use of Bitcoin Cash as a payment option, such as enjoying the discount provided by every merchant who uses Bitcoin Cash payments, the existence of a Token ecosystem that is present on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain so that users can do various things such as staking and farming, creating NFT or various other things related to the virtual world such as DeFi, Metaverse, or as a bridge to the existence of other Tokens in the future.

There are already many various projects, services, and also large exchanges that have supported the existence of Bitcoin Cash to date. Making authentic evidence of the pace of development of Bitcoin Cash as a coin that is indeed reliable in terms of trust to the determination of the initial purpose of crypto being created.

The other side of the issue of legality and the contribution of crypto problems in the economy can also be taken as another thing in my imagination playing about the existence of crypto, especially Bitcoin Cash. The Financial Services Authority, which was previously able to play its role in all financial conditions of each party and individual, is now also thinking hard about monitoring and stopping the use of cryptocurrencies. Even though it is clear that all of this is present because of the imbalance and justice that exist and are felt to this day. From the problem of economic sanctions, or other sanctions.

Bitcoin Cash is one of the coins that are present and also plays a role in helping and making it easier for affected parties and individuals.

Maybe all of this can be said to be just like a fairy tale about the meaning of Bitcoin Cash, but it can be taken and seen for real that all of it has been proven to be real from every problem that has occurred in the current world condition. Plagues, wars, and other things can be broken by the presence of Bitcoin Cash according to the hopes and objectives of the developers and the community.


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