Pages 365 to 365

By Alther | Alther | 31 Dec 2022


Soon the last page of page 365 will expire. What happened in the previous pages? Leaving old notes to welcome page 1 as the opening chapter of chapter one 2023.

Politics, economics, health, war, healthcare, entertainment, industry, climate, and so on color page after page as the story of the 2022 era. Providing many stories which in the end contain beautiful moments and sad moments for every living creature, especially humans, who abandon the problem of time.

The pandemic still colors until the end of 2022 with intriguing news that occurs regarding the issue of spread and the issue of antibodies. Politics is colored by tension which causes a crisis of confidence. Creating new fears about the form occurrence of war which in fact is still ongoing. The impact on global economic problems that hit with the existence of a crisis in all fields. Food, clothing, and boards. Mellowlantkan all sectors up to the financial market conditions that occur.

Global warming is still a big issue but seems to be ignored. Stocks and cryptos are impacted as part of the global economy that is being impacted.


In particular, anything that is recorded in the crypto world is so sad. Made the worst incident in the crypto world of all time. Crypto winter, indeed, is not just an ordinary winter, the trials that hit it. Scamming, Ponzi, monopoly, and hacking happen. Bankruptcy is a word commonly heard in 2022 as the page-by-page memorabilia takes place.

What can be taken and what can be said as a positive part in 2022 is the decline in morality and public trust in authorities, the media, and public figures who have long been reliable and trusted influencers.

Many things have been revealed as public lies that have happened so far. Become a sheet of lie after lie that happened. We are shackled, lulled, and in the end, we rebel. But is it true that we can and can we fight against the word power that occurs? I don't know, it's hard to say, but I'm optimistic that it can be realized for the sake of freedom of opinion and also freedom as living beings who live in the world and are born in the world.

Welcoming a new sheet at the beginning of a new sheet will enter a new chapter. Hope and dreaming in prayer as the only clear and certain power that can be done.

"Hopefully 2023 will be better than previous years."

It's just that maybe the main power that can come from the heart. But have faith in the hope that something good will definitely come. Because every sadness must be rewarded with happiness.

"Happy new year 2023, I hope everything gets better and you get definite happiness."


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