SmartBCH is a #bitcoincash project with #ethereum that bridges various needs for EVM as well as web 3.0 presence. Where the main advantage of this smartchain is that the existence of decentralization is the main thing, in my opinion, the existence of a smartchain is made. And another thing is the issue of the existence of various things that already exist on the ethereum blockchain such as smartcontrat, DeFi, Dapps, and other advantages.
My journey with smartbch can’t be said to be too good.
It’s not because of the smartbch project, but it can be said that it’s personal or a common thing that happens to smart contracts is that there will be projects that don’t match what was created. But clearly it’s not a matter of being exposed to fraud or other things that are worse in the world of smart contracts. However, due to several factors that I cannot say in this discussion because it involves several other individuals later.
Apart from that, there is some pretty good luck with the existence of this smartbch. Like getting several airdrops from tokens that are present, which of course is very accountable for the project as long as it stands among several tokens whose existence is not clear. And also being able to feel the atmosphere again about the word airdrop and staking in the world of bitcoincash, especially which previously couldn’t be done even though this was all only in the representation of tokens in the smartbch smartchain. On the other hand, it is also possible to learn some things about Defi more deeply, although there is still a need for more learning because science continues to develop.
In addition to the things above, what I’m talking about, another problem is the existence of wanting to re-enter the smart contract world a bit after I left it for a long time because of the existence of a bad incident that occurred in 2018. Smartbch drew attention to myself at least because of my time with the #bitcoincash community. As a bridge that makes following the era of progress, especially the progress of the times for the world of crypto currency. The world generation blockchain system that is carried by ethereum does have good advantages over bitcoin as the first generation of crypto. But along the way there are also some shortcomings in ethereum regarding fee issues and other problems that the bitcoincash community has tried to solve first. Fee and speed issues. But it is possible that there will be a change in the ethereum project from time to time to solve all these problems, and until now it is hoped that there will be changes after Eth 2.0 is released later.
If asked why I prefer bitcoincash over bitcoin or ethereum it can be ascertained because of one thing I think bitcoincash can be used as a companion currency to krito at this time. The main problem is because I like bitcoin but don’t like fees and long transactions. And for ethreum what I don’t like is the unlimited supply of ethereum (although there are slight changes in other things such as the word burning, and also there may be a limit but who knows when and what will happen).
Back to the story of my journey with smartbch, from the beginning of the news and the formation and until the release of smartbch, I was very enthusiastic at first. I followed every news that happened in the first rumored stages. From the problem of using the name Moeing to finally becoming a smartbch.
Some of them that I’ve tasted are tokens like Knuth, eben, Cat, Milk, Law and Shibainu. If it is said that the ones that provide quite a decent profit from the presence of tokens on the smartbch sidechain are Knuth, milk, and Cat. Because it was obtained from an airdrop and I tried to play investment with it. However, because there was an urgent need in October and early November, I was forced to disburse it to make up for the shortage of needs that had to be met at that time. Yes, at least it helps and can be said to be very helpful. Maybe a glimpse and as #smartbch-adventure can tell from me.
Smartbch is certainly one of the most awaited for the community that likes and supports the existence of #bitcoincash. Wherefrom the problems that were expected to be present in the bitcoincash community, it was finally realized. In the future, it is hoped that the tokens that are present in the smartbch blockchain systematics created will also be present on large exchange platforms like other tokens that have been present, of course.
#smartbch-adventure-competition #smartbch #bitcoincash #bch