Life is not just a question

By Alther | Alther | 9 Nov 2021

What is the meaning of life if we are far from the most created God, thank God who is always for you for your uncut love and love, in any servant circumstances? Even if he is filled in sin. God, who never counts. The free air we breathe, the blinking every second, the brain performance I hope is as good as this one, and more.

Regardless of what we are doing, human beings, all forms of struggle at the endpoint will lead to the value of life. For self, for family, for friends, for the country, and for religion. Wherever we stand, in fact, sincerity of intention defeats all.

As a farmer, we never know what destiny will be behind all the plants planted in the end. However, we must sincerely accept whatever the decision is, which from out of nowhere, will be intertwined with one another. As if convinced that He is sincerer than what ultimately happens to everything that will happen. Isn't it, every answer that is answered is only a question of the questioner's business.

"Every human being will have a way and nature to arrive at his goal.

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The diversity of a struggle is firmly engraved in each person. In fact, both echoed from every corner of civilization and every corner of the residence of the king or the king's daughter's hope. In fact, it is a mapped mission, which at one point is united until it is neatly framed in the intended intention. Whatever the form, whatever the role, in fact, each individual knows the heart with the Creator. It doesn't matter how strong, or weak, nor does it know how certain or uncertain. This is what can be called a sacrifice of struggle. Can be receptive, sincere, or purposeful.

This is not just a form of formality from the world that only looks at the end of the so-called results. No, it's different! It's actually far from that, it is interpreted at the core of life which means the actual process, a good value that will pay off well, maybe it will be far, far beyond description, it cannot be compared with a result that can only be obtained from an instant or the blink of an eye...

In the beginning, this human misgivings and doubts were present. But in the end, a belief that humanity has stretched out, a heart that hopes not to stop it.

Exactly, he is more understanding and power will be produced than the result because he is the love of the Creator, it is not easy to exchange an evil into the value of freedom of truth for humans but for the Creator, it is an easy matter. Determine our steps may only achieve a strong and immovable foundation. What is and will be at the heart of the goal.

Like a human being walking up the stairs, lowering his gaze, wondering what will be there?? Keep moving, and still believing, that there is a God who will give a beautiful surprise at the end of the stairs there ... then he comes to the last one, when he lifts his eyes and looks around, maybe he never will. Except that now… he was in a tall building, and maybe he could be surprised too because now he could see very clearly how beautiful the scenery was.

As people get older, they realize that life is not just a question of how much we have succeeded in achieving what we hope for, but how sensitive we are to being aware of grace, the path of goodness that God has given to His servants to this day. Isn't that sensitivity even more expensive? Because it could be, not everyone can feel it.

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