Hope for human love

By Alther | Alther | 21 Dec 2021

It's been a long time since I haven't written about love. Isn't it beautiful to love and be loved? And if you remember when you live or love hits, the things you remember are two things about love, namely flowers and thorns. Sweet and bitter, happy and sad, flying and falling. All the consequences of the word love.

When we love someone we feel like the world has nothing else to think about it's just a matter of love. So great is the feeling produced by the feeling when you fall in love. And when love is greeted, it feels like floating into a realm that is not owned by anyone. Likewise, when love is rejected, it feels like pain that no one has ever felt. Though the problem of love everyone experiences it.

Loving someone does require sacrifice, the main thing is feelings. And when on his way he realized that the love that was presented and lived became a love that was not in line with expectations. When taken a lot of stories may be said to love the wrong person. How could that be?

It looks odd and unacceptable if it is in the connotation expressed like this. It means the same as not loving the person who is said to be loved. Then why dare to love? But there are also those who dare to bare all the pain of the love they have.

It's complicated to talk about love. Though the scope is simple. But because of playing and the presence of a feeling, love becomes a different scope from the others. It cannot be guessed, cannot be equated, nor can it be described as beautiful or as painful for those who do not live it alone. The same but certainly will be different for sure.

The scope is quite broad, not just loving someone who deserves to be loved in the form of a partner. However, it varies to family, friends, animals, plants, and so on. But the peak of the height of the word love is to love and be loved by the Creator.

The joy of love is full of joy so that it is full of pleas. Ask that the feeling of happiness is not erased by pain. Want a veto of the true happy word. Unfortunately, it is impossible for this to happen, because it does not apply to world languages. Where all there are two things that are created. Because it will answer the meaning of each that is felt.

As humans, everyone needs love. Wanting to be loved and adored has become a common thing for us. Likewise with us of course, we want to love and be loved by those who love us, of course. Not only for life partners but for other things. If there is a specific problem with a mate, it seems that something more mature is needed for each person so that it is no longer possible to be reckless in saying or making yourself fall in love with anyone.

Searching is of course still looking. Choosing will definitely sort out. All for the sake of self-goodness so as not to fall into a mere false throne of love. It would be arrogant to think about enacting this kind of thing. But a reasonable. Because everyone wants the best, right?

Each individual will have different steps for sure. Because of that, the journey will be different. Even though the love language is the same. And beautiful will feel beautiful. Pain will hurt. That is love, hope in humans which is full of various mysteries in it. Various stories occur because of love and make endless variety to be expressed forever.

Those who love each other love each other until the end of their lives, be happy for people who have feelings of love, happy for people who are in love, happy for everyone who is still in love.

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