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From the heart that is always dewy

By Alther | Alther | 24 Oct 2021

You know me more than I know yourself, sometimes you forget where your real life is, because it feels like the world demands too many things until you are bored and sick of following all the rules, the rules they make are nothing more than a cake that must be eaten before the child leaves When they go to school, you make sure the child will live even if you ignore a cake that lies sweetly on the table. It will live on because the rules are the way it is, and you prefer the freedom to be able to understand, a free life that nature offers like this, like you, and like the life the two of us have lived.

That's how we are, there are times when we can laugh freely without any burden, but there are also times when these tears become unstoppable. Every strand of the story that is passed will become our memories for us, and each of us has become an eye for the other. Like a sore hand, it is the eyes that will cry, as well as us, if only one of them is sick, then one of them will also feel it, this is a meaning of the bond of our togetherness.

Spending days with you, it's not enough for me to be the reason why your name appears real in the words of every prayer and is always engraved in the heart.

And I'm asking is it still there?


But that's not the main point, we have been taught to love the process, making a pattern of habits that I still apply to this day, by living every step of life, there will definitely be times when we will stumble, taking the road to happiness for the future must be like this. That, without having to tell each other, you know and understand that one of us is always fighting and praying for each other.

My father once said, "a peaceful life you ​​will get depending on a space in your chest" you don't really understand what my father meant at that time, you know, a strange feeling often arises from the deepest part of the chest, maybe it's emerged from the space mentioned earlier, but you are not sure, because it feels like all life that is being controlled is fully controlled by the mind working inside our heads. Until one day, you want to break this head because there are so many things that are jammed without permission.

If I remember the times we spent together, you often tease with an irresistible smile, tickle guessing who will go?... it turns out now, who's next?

The sky gives a description of the color getting darker, that's the time…and I watched. But it grows and slowly becomes a reality. Today, everything looks like flowers that grow in spring.

Now your life is different, because only you know and find the soul left in this soul, a space that reflects your self-image like a mirror, you seem to see your past as well as your future here, hanging in the spaces that describe the history of loyalty, you hang enough burden on it, and I try to be strong immovable because they have roots that have understood enough like it, they grow and develop, create new spaces that are so sharp to the bottom that they are stronger to live life...

There are a million reasons why we admire you, the basic thing is because you are the one who gives way to the souls of those around us. Now you have a new world, for you what was closed has been revealed there, I'm sure you will understand. I might find my life buried all this time.

You will meet me there, later when the time comes.....


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