Back to dancing on the glued letters, waiting to be pressed one by one, turning a daydream or inspiration into a thousand words in a sentence that is passionate to read.
Go home, the opposite of going or leaving before the word "go home" is implied.
Go home, so that we understand that every time we leave something to return, just like the departure of the previous people who passed away to their eternal Owner.
Anchor of time, unable to make a boat anchor and not sail. The time anchor only expresses a warning to every human being on the importance of remembering oneself. Because time cannot be stopped or rested for a moment. So that it is often crowded by various kinds of things like short advice, stories of wisdom, personal experiences, or unimportant chatter that doesn't make it really buried in silence.
Rows of numbers on the footbridge are only a guide to remember the existence of the time that continues to pass, like a child asking if we adults forget what date it is today.
Like the question "what month is it?" they will surely answer that it is “November”, because not long ago five days ago it was October. And it doesn't feel like it will soon enter the lunar phase at the end of 2021. December, about a memorable time when the moon becomes the month when you start your return and leave for us to the presence of your figure.
For us you have gone, because no matter how far you are, we who have been left behind by you, your face will still ring in my memories with the beat of time that never stops beating like a heart pumping blood to keep flowing in human joints. Numbers from day to day on the calendar keep changing, so for a moment fixated on the time the calendar is in the month it should be, "We are now in this month and this date" maybe just waiting for the time to step up to travel like you to go and return to the eternal Owner this whole self.
Dreams in dreams that are often spoken and often carried away in dreams that one day, in the afterlife, there will come a time when we will gather together through a time that does not know parting words like the world. How the body of every human being also dreams of existence like this dream. Because the strands of feeling that have been created by the heart so that the words of longing for love and love emerge. Here…me and your beloved child always to remember to practice, so that in the future, the hopes of those dreams can come true. Not only with hopes, as well as prayers and dreams. But trying to steal the words of the Creator's love so that all of that can be realized in time.
Suppose, the news of your departure at that time was a journey for what you felt with those who accompanied you to sail, slowly but surely, you got to that point. One point is the end of the human journey of life. Everyone has been waiting, long before you get to that place, which is slowly approaching. This is a rule that requires us to understand, this must happen. Every time I see a panicked face when I realize this before it arrives the question is whether preparedness has been prepared? But let the questions be summarized into one, as many questions will be asked:
"What have you been doing while you were anchored?"
Stopping a series of fingers that are trying to continue to create meaning and questions again, silent fixated on the choice of images that I will represent in this article. Staring at a screen that says "finish" which is one step apart from the ground that says "start", stopping to continue to the beginning for the next end, ending with a return to memories that often create self-evaluation. Go home, that before arriving at the really final line, this self can still try to be able to remove the stains that have been created during the trip.
Don't be in a hurry, before it's time to fall down for self-reflection. It's about the time that really comes back to come back. Coming home on a journey of the spirit that is ready to anchor to the owner of time.
So always remember...