Face Behind the Form (About the Crypto Form)

By Alther | Alther | 18 Dec 2021

The figure of speech reveals the same form but differs in its formation. Just like what has happened to some of the coins in crypto that have existed or been created.

The problem of forming all the basics is from bitcoin, of course. Its presence will make the existence of so many coins that are present today.

Adjusting the sentence of the face behind the possible appearance that can be clearly taken is the existence of Erhereum with Ethereum Classic. Where Ethereum can be said to be the main form behind the existence of Ethereum Classic. Because it is clear that the one who carries the existence of Ethereum is the creator of Ethereum itself and Ethereum Classic is only promoted by a community that does not agree with what is promoted by Vitalik Butterin regarding its development.

And indeed there are many other examples whose existence is clearly carried out by the coin maker himself and presents a new coin from the disapproval of his own followers. So clearly this can be seen because the maker can be known.

On a different point when it comes to Bitcoin with Bitcoin Cash. Where it is not known where the maker prefers to carry the existence of these two coins. In the context of its present existence, it is actually each community that carries its existence to its true form. If Satoshi Nakamoto gave his statement of where his point of view is, perhaps it would be more clear which one he really looks like because he took a stand on the basis of the creator who is more important, by all means.

Context does create a long debate when it comes to visual issues. So that the sentence "Face behind the Form" can be identified to answer a clarity of something that is vague.

Apart from this problem, the problem that may have to be faced more is the existence of readiness to meet the future. The existence of readiness and adjustment is the main point of every creation of something that is created. The point is the benefit of its existence.

Crypto is indeed phenomenal for now. And this makes crypto one of the most talked-about inventions to date. Moreover, this is related to the existence of the world economy. This is what makes crypto an invention that will continue to be thoroughly discussed until there is another subject that will replace it in the future.

In the context of the face behind the appearance, it will indeed create a long debate. It can even be controversial. Because each of the camps must fight for their own to be the true form.

In fact, the whole point, for now, is to achieve market conditions to be the most preferred by the public. Investigate, if you think about it carefully, all have the same real purpose. So behind the real differences, it turns out that there is the same goal. Both have faces that present their appearance in the end.

Maximalism or non-maximalism has the same essence as a virtue. Economical and non-economic are basically the same as finance. Banking and non-banking are the same in the end profit. Ordinary people and non-laymen are all the same, in essence, the basic needs of life.

So instead of elbowing each other, they are bad for each other. Behind it all there should be an awareness of the same basic needs. Creating a better world economy. Support each other not offend. Helping each other for the main purpose of the existence of crypto exists. Maybe it's the better of the bad ones. Strengthening what is the main goal simultaneously by accepting each other's shortcomings so that it is helped to be further refined behind the existing shortcomings.



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