Empathize and Sympathize

By Alther | Alther | 8 Jul 2022

Empathy and sympathy can be said to be very thin in meaning and the type of implementation. We unconsciously often mix the two things into a single unit in terms of meaning and usage. Especially if you are often faced with situations that are being faced to place this empathy and sympathy. Sometimes we who have such sensitive feelings have to be reminded by friends or family when there are problems that are being faced with the needs of these two things. When we see a beggar, a debtor, or someone who is in trouble, our emotions will sometimes dissolve into the atmosphere.


Image by ha11ok from Pixabay 

This time I want to review both of these problems. How to empathize and sympathize right.

I try to raise the issue that is happening around us related to the current pandemic situation, which is the level of a stressor for everyone, especially those affected by the condition of the economy which is currently in global economic trouble.

At first, glance hears the complaints of the people around. Moreover, coincidentally, we are currently in a state of fear of an economic recession. Expression of inability to live life. Everyone certainly wants to live a good, normal, and problem-free life.

The sad thing is that sometimes this inability actually comes from unpreparedness or habit patterns, especially because of being unaware of the word trying. The pandemic situation and the economy are like simalakama (marginalized) fruit. No doubt the impact is on everyone. Instead of creating a bond between the rich and the poor, it is what the poor people say that is more pronounced for the impact.

Shouldn't blame other people, or the existence of the rich. Believe me... even the rich don't like this situation, they also want the recession and pandemic problems to pass quickly. Why? because they are human too. Their condition may not be as difficult as it would be for the poor. But, of course, they face more problems in these conditions than the poor. Like thinking about monthly expenses, the amount of loss, habits, and peace of mind about being able to rest.

The end of the milestone is in self-awareness. How to respond to the processes that occur during this pandemic and inflationary period. How do we learn to manage emotions, and also manage ourselves properly and correctly? For conditions that are expected to have qualified innovation in the process of undergoing the situation at hand. Is it by using existing and widely shared methods to be able to deal with this period, or by something that can be done to change the pattern of habits that are usually done in everyday life?

The same is of course also expected from every Government. By changing the existing system to be passed properly and correctly of course. The government must have swiftly made a breakthrough to prepare for the current situation. With the hope that the people will not feel burdened by the conditions, they are facing.


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