Code Ethics of Cryptolistic

By Alther | Alther | 26 Feb 2023

A discourse that sounds strange. I don't know what was on my mind when I wrote the sentence "Code Ethics of Cryptolistic", even though actually I just wanted to express my anxiety about the current state of crypto.

Code ethics maybe we can interpret the existence meaning of good procedures which means following the rules, while cryptologic is just a word that describes the meaning of writing about issues related to the world of crypto and its contents.

Then if translated it can be interpreted as the procedure for writing that is good and right according to the rules regarding the discussion of the crypto world and its contents. This means without creating problems regarding the context of fraud or gaps in competing in the crypto world and its development is not its development.

However, in a straightforward and clear manner, in fact, all of that is not something that writers and developers can do correctly about the problems of the project they are carrying out. Moreover, involving the community in dissemination which aims to be known by the wider community.

The forms of crypto writing that exist so far are on average based on an object of use, advertising, perspective, and competition. Meanwhile, writing that is said to be in the form of legitimacy, and explanations can be said to be less desirable and tends to be ignored a lot.

Cryptocurrency wherever it takes form in terms of development, of course, concretely continues to experience changes and additions. Created many new orders that are said to follow the flow of the times. Various inventions become additions and changes to the basis that was built completely at the beginning of the plan. This results in many hacks and fraud that often occur where in the end each addition faces new challenges in properly and correctly intact application.

The digital technology that is carried brings cryptocurrencies to the side of space that cannot be fixed permanently. Everything must meet the needs of changes that occur in conditions of technological progress used.


The user side is also faced with the complexity that must be faced every time. Where we can't just set one side because changes will always follow according to the times.

In the end, it can be said that even if the Code Ethics of Cryptolistic cannot be adhered to, it is true. Because changes are in accordance with the prevailing form of values ​​and market conditions brought about by the prevailing world economic space. Implementing decentralization systematics that continues to be very difficult due to the fact that centralization has become the domination benchmark for security conditions and user comfort at the turning point that has occurred to date.

Monopoly and the existence of rulers are still difficult to put on the side that can be abandoned. On the other hand, the condition of individuals who are bound by adaptive and dedicated information affects morale and conditions of privacy. What is certain is that the discourse on crystallization is no longer a positive value that is considered relevant anymore. Because both governments, rulers, banks, and the world's financial economy have been mixed and involved and involved in the existence of crypto which is said to be part of the future of finance.

The attitude that can be taken is to follow, understand, and be careful. Misunderstood meaning let alone steps trapped on the side of the restrained ambition of personal freedom. What has to do with emotion and self-control has been intertwined and locked. Can't leave and can't be left behind, there is definitely fatigue waiting for the game conditions to be played when the game is played.


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