Bank - Crypto - Interest rate and Economic Islam

By Alther | Alther | 13 Mar 2023

Banks and cryptocurrencies are two different ways to store and transfer value. Banks are regulated financial institutions that offer various financial services, including savings and checking accounts, loans, and investments, while cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital assets that operate independently of governments and financial institutions. While banks offer a higher level of security and stability, cryptocurrencies offer greater privacy and autonomy. Ultimately, the choice between a bank and crypto depends on individual preferences and needs.

Interest rates in banks are set by the central banks and are influenced by various factors such as inflation, economic growth, and monetary policy. Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, do not have a centralized authority that sets interest rates, but some crypto lending platforms offer interest rates for users who lend their cryptocurrency. In Islamic finance, interest is prohibited, and instead, profit is earned through ethical investments and partnerships. This approach is known as Islamic finance or Islamic economics.


So if we want to say learn and try, of course, intelligent humans will take steps to learn more than just starting to try. If this step has been taken, humans will understand which form comes from the truth and which does not. And in the science of Islamic jurisprudence, everything already has a form of what humans should learn in life, without exception, the formation of a good and right economy. Which in the end if we have studied there will be knowledge in the form of implementing the knowledge that has been learned for real life.

One thing that is clearly prohibited in Islamic economics is interest rates because they contain faint and riba (usury) is essentially detrimental to many people. If someone ask which one is better Bank or Crypto, of course, just one clarification is taken among the many existing conditions regarding the law of usury, so which of the two is far from usurious practices, of course, is better. Because if we talk about usury, it is not the systematics that creates opportunities for the practice of usury, but the humans who are involved in this system. And in the end the fact that the problem of usury is carried out is the condition of humans who do not understand the law of the dangers of usury or humans who understand the dangers of usury but ignore it.


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