The presence of the metaverse last year created many projects and progress that intersect in it. One of the most popular is from the game project segment, where the game world segment dominates the current metaverse needs. One of the advancements that gamers have been waiting for, in particular, is the existence of augmented reality, where users can control their characters or avatars.
It's not new, but complexly with current technological advances, it produces many developments that are better than before. The existence of augmented reality adds to the level of reality of the metaverse world as if it is getting real. Even though it's only a game, the presence of Augmented Reality, makes a game more interesting and allows players to experience better convenience in a game.
Of course, much is still needed to be able to use the existence of augmented reality, where the equipment or factors needed become more complex. In terms of price, this also makes game lovers have to spend even more. But for true lovers this is sometimes not a problem, moreover, the satisfaction factor obtained in playing the game is more important for them. The existence of this growing metaverse has indeed become a field for many people. Although currently there are not too many who carry it, in the future there will be many who are presently offering the advantages offered for sure.
Image by Reto Scheiwiller from Pixabay
The Metaverse that is now present is basically worthy of merging virtual reality with augmented reality. Where virtual reality creates a new world space outside the real while augmented can be said to enrich the existence of the real world to enter the virtual world or the world of imagination. So that the presence of the virtual world can be presented in the real world.
It's still too early to talk about an existence that can really materialize for the existence of the metaverse that you want to carry. However, from the presence of AR and VR, it is clear that their development is increasingly beyond the limits of our logic if we think about it. And one thing that adds to the appeal of the metaverse is that the existence of cryptocurrencies in it increasingly makes many people interested in following and trying it. Where the existence of cryptocurrency in the metaverse adds to the attraction of everyone, which previously only revolved around the satisfaction of a game but also offered an income in playing it.
Another thing about the existence of augmented reality is not only about the existence of the game world. But it also makes other things like shopping online like shopping in the real world. Then the problem of navigation factors and the presence of a virtual assistant. Things that can make human existence easier in carrying out their daily activities. And a very simple thing that can be obtained is the existence of using translate without having to retype what you want to translate.
Yes, that's only a small part, of course in the future there will be many more new features that will be present and offer new and more interesting and useful advantages for the world community in a positive way to be taken and can be used by their presence.