A vision that can answer

By Alther | Alther | 18 Jan 2023

Not just from the form or systematically running. However, due to the conditions that have been produced, it turns out that it creates many concrete problems that are never resolved on an ongoing basis.

The scope that has been polluted by the systematic existence used, coupled with the conditions of the creation step has experienced many obstacles as well as the result of the formation of the raw materials used.


Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay

Its track record over time only repeats the imbalance and causes many bad things to happen that are not in proportion to the completion and harmony of the enactment of fiat currency in the world's economy.

The existing levels are only increasingly creating an era of radiation towards inequalities in people's social life. The community or the highest level of an agency is believed to be unilateral management. The vision that is carried out every year after the change of time does not also evoke an equal economic spirit, where an even level of welfare is actually the main goal of world economic development.

Presenting a vision in a mission to be able to create prosperity and also freedom in the global economy, is a big view from the birth of cryptocurrency to fiat currency which has long been used by the world community.

Where the birth is a source of hope for the creators of crypto for the performance that has been generated by the use of existing currencies.

Indeed, completely and definitively it cannot be proven to say concretely that it can apply to global conditions. But some positive results have been achieved from its presence as well as its use. So if it is said to be a vision that can answer existing problems, crypto can be a future replacement for the use of currencies that have been used for a long time.


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