Crowdfunding and StartEngine Recap - 2024

This is NOT investment advice.



This does not display all Reg CF and/or A+ moves completed.  I will publish a report card on that separately.  Capital was deployed in the following names during 2024:



- we have published extensive content on AtomBeam, here is the most recent AtomBeam analysis

- quite pleased overall, the company appears to have a good shot and starting to really hit it's stride in terms of commercialization

- we slightly added to our position, the majority of shares obtained at the first and second raise



- Phase I trial underway, no adverse events thus far

- this is a "we're swinging for the fences here" investment

- completely new way to treat osteoarthritis (OA)

- we view this as it either hits big in a very, very big way or is sold off for its IP after years of struggling



- Pretty pleased overall

- revenue is ramping as is the overall growth of the firm

- either it sputters stuck in a niche or takes over the hand market, appears to have a major edge over existing options

- further moves into robotics extra on top

- standing pat



- this one is very new, and you can read all about Hylio as an investment here





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davidgyoung Verified Member

BTC since 2013. Investor. Entrepreneur. Always looking to learn and develop.

Alternative Investing
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