Update 2 Rplanet abundant tool staking
480k shovels, 33k caps and 7k drills were removed from the abundant tlm mining calculation.
Then it goes down to 2.4 M from 2.8M
That would put abundant tlm mining power back to 93,75%
Update 1 after the comment:
Lets assume we have 250.000 users a day.
Which would mean 750.000 tools are used a day.
There are only 128.900 common+tools in existence.
I averaged them in tlm% min and got 1.05%
Abundants are averaging 0,93% tlm min.
Even in the most optimistic scenario 620.000 abundants with 0,93% against 129.000 with 1,05%
Abundants would still get 81% of total tlm a day.
The truth will be between the range of 81-96%
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So, how dafuq shall I get this data, if im not a coder, nor a programmer?
Around 700.000 TLM is getting mined per 24h
How much % of this goes to abundant tools? As I couldnt code through 13 million Mines, I did the following:
So, as most mines (problably by bots?) are on mountains, we take Mountains as an example.
Now we use the site alienworlds.tool
The best way is to calculate the mining power for each tool in a 3x set up.
The important number is 0,82% TLM Mining power per minute.
Npw, we need to know how much shovels exist. For this we ge to atomichub and check the mint numbers.
Next Step is calculating the total mining power of all shovels per minute.
For this I did an excel with all mining tools inside the game and their current mintnumbers.
Here is my link to the full excel Excel TLM Mining Power all tools
That was a shit ton of work, as I did it manual, but here are the results.
Total TLM Mining power of all abundant tools are as you see above 2,85 Million
Total TLM Mining power of all tools common+ is 159130
Next Step would be to calculate the percentage from abundant tools in overall mining.
So, 2.850.000+160.000= 3.010.000
2.850.000/ 3.010.000 x 100 = 94,68% of the total TLM Mining power goes to abundant mining tools.
So, when right now 695.000 TLM per day is mined:
695.000 x 0,9468 = 658.026 TLM per day should go to abundant mining tools.
Obviously this is just a rough calculation that leaves out many other factors.
Like, how many abundant tools are really in use? Maybe just two third?
How many bots are inside the game, that mine more than regular players with High end tools?
I just hope this calculation is enough for the challenge.
But that is not so important right now, I am really surprised, and somehow shocked by the numbers.
Shovels, capacitators and Drills perform way too good. In my opinion they need to be nerfed by Factor 10 at least.
Maybe even more.
Anyway, thanks for the read, I personally find it shocking that 95% of all TLM a day goes to abundant tools.
What is your opinion?
Yours sincerely,
Every tip is appreciated