Alien Worlds | Infidel Mining Monthly Giveaway, FREE NFT Rewards & Updates!

By dai- | Alien Worlds Blog | 2 Jun 2021

Once again Infidel Mining is here to help new players with mining in Alien Worlds. Infidel Mining has recently launched it's NFT Rewards that you can trade in for up to 100 WAX of CPU Staking, 50 WAX sent to your wallet, and more! 


NEW NFT Reward System

Each miner will have a chance everyday to mine a Prize NFT. You can get these NFT's by simply mining in Infidel's land:


Plains: 20:9 [TLM: 0.6, NFT: 0.5, Time: 0.7]

Icy Desert: 16:2 [TLM: 1.7, NFT: 1, Time: 1.7]

Sandy Desert: 23:9 [TLM: 1, NFT: 1.1, Time: 1.2]

Rocky Desert: 17:14 [TLM: 1.6, NFT: 1.9, Time: 2]

Mountains: 36:15 [TLM: 2, NFT: 2.2, Time: 3]


If you are lucky enough to get one, here is the rarity breakdown:

Legendary: 5%

Epic: 10%

Rare: 25%

Common: 60%

Note that these chances does not correspond with the NFT drop rate of your tool in Alien Worlds.



These NFT's then can be traded for prizes, here are the list of prizes: 

+5 Stake: Any 1 Common NFT

+25 Stake: Any 5 Common NFTs

+100 Stake: 1 Epic, 2 different Rares, and 2 of each Common

Instant Promotion to Naronite (Discord Role): 1 of each Common

Capacitor: 1 Rare and any 6 Commons.

1 WAX: 2 different Commons

5 WAX: 2 different Rares and 1 of each Common

10 WAX: 1 Epic. one of each Rare, 2 of each Common

25 WAX: 1 Legendary, one of each Epic, 2 of each Rare, 3 of each Common

50 WAX: 2 Legendaries, 2 of each Epic, 4 of each Rare, 6 of each Common


How To Trade These NFT's Into Prizes?

You will need to trade these NFT's to the account named infidelprize. Simply send the NFT's according to the prize you want as a trade offer, and the prizes will be sent to you when Infidel is online. Note that this is a manual process and might take a day or two. 

Here is a step by step tutorial:

Go to the account infidelprize in AtomicHub, once there click the send trade offer button under the "add friend" button (I've marked it with the red square mark on the image below).


Once there, click on the NFT's you're trying to trade in for the rewards. For demonstration purposes I've put in two common and one rare NFT. 


Once you're done, put in a memo of what prize are you trying to get, then click the "Send Trade Offer" button. Then you should notify Infidel on discord that you've sent him a trade offer, and your rewards should come shortly!


June Monthly Giveaway

Last month Infidel Mining gave out a 2 Glavor Disc, Uplift Land Plot, and Draxos Axe, a total of 3000 WAX worth of prize to miners in Infidel's land. This month they are giving away 2 Glavor Disc, Advanced TD Miner, and Draxos axe for those who mine on Infidel's land. You are automatically considered for these rewards when you mine for Infidel in the month of June. 



Art Competition

There is also an ongoing competition going on in the community, where anyone can submit an art of Infidel's avatar and alter it in any kind of way and get 100 WAX if your submission gets accepted, note that you can submit more than one art work and win multiple times! In the end the submissions that gets accepted will be turned into an NFT and potentially be dropped to those mining on Infidel's land. 

Here is the sample picture that you will need to edit:



How To Join The Community?

You can join the community of Infidel Mining by simply joining their discord channel. All of the information provided are also available in their discord. If you have any further questions, you can leave them down in the comments below or feel free to ask in the server. If you're a new to Alien Worlds and want a free 25 WAX staking you can head over to my article "Alien Worlds | FREE CPU Staking - Fastest Way To Get Started For Beginners" to learn more about the free staking.

If you want to learn more tips on Alien Worlds, read my other guide called "Alien Worlds | 6 Tips To Help Maximize Profit".



Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, if you have any feedback and criticism on how I can improve my writing you can leave them down on the comments below. Your like & share would also be greatly appreciated!

Useful referrals to earn crypto:

CryptoTab - Mine Bitcoin for FREE on your browser

RollerCoin - Earn $1 a day passively playing

Useful links: 

Infidel Mining Discord

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